Country Riding III (T.H.)

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They had been staying at the ranch for about 4 or 5 days up to now, and tonight they was all heading down to the local for a drink and dance.

They all got washed and placed on a cleaner version of what they had been wearing that day, boots, jeans, checked shirt and black belt, Maya basically wore the same, just a brown belt along with her hat.

Maya was waiting outside of the cottage and honked her horn, they all walked out, as did she walking towards the back of the truck and grabbing something out

"Here" she said passing them all a cowboy hat "You'll look less like an outsider" she smiled, they all took hold of their hat that they had been given

"That's better" she said before they all let out a small laugh clambering into the back of the truck, Maya driving

She wasn't kidding about how they would look less like an outside without their hat on, once they got down to the local it was a large dancehall, with a small old cottage house next to it which was the pub, Derek was playing, everyone dancing, after they all grabbed a beer and sat outside

"What are they actually doing?" Harrison asked

"It's a jive, and not like Strictly Come Dancing, more of a country jive" Maya explained, she had learnt it when she was young and could do it just aswell as the best could,

"You came" shouted a voice, Tamzin came running over to them and sat next to Maya

"Come and dance" she told Maya

"Tam, i can't dance"

"Oh come on, yes you can, she really can one of the best, just this one"

"Okay fine, but i'm only agreeing to it because your gonna do something for me"


"You'll help me teach these" she said looking at them

"Hold on, since when was we getting dragged into this" Harry said

"Since now" The pair said together

"Come on" Tamzin dragged her by the hand to a slightly empty space near the table since it was close to the dance floor, Derek started singing Dreamers and Believers "watch above"

The lads watched in awe of the girls, Tom watched as Maya danced along

"Wow, they're good" Jake said

The music finished and they girls went back to the table

"How did you even-"

"Follow me" Maya told them, they took their drinks with them before quickly moving to the back of the crowd

"Right, Harrison with me, Harry you with Jake and Maya you with Tom" Tamzin said

After about half an hour, they all managed to get hold of some of it, Tom seemed to pick it up slightly quicker than the others

"Okay, all the way through" Maya told him

(Again watch above)

As they finished, the smiles on their faces, they couldn't be wiped off,

"Well, atleast one has got it" Jake said, making them all give a slightly laugh

By the end of the hour they all managed to get hold of it and was dancing away on the dance floor, after a while they all sat down having a drink

"So what made you outsiders come here" Said a voice, it was a man, and you could tell he was a prick

"Back off Mick" Maya said, her face showing she was pissed off

"What it to you pretty?" he says touching her back, making her shoot up and turn to face him

A couple of people who were sat close shut up and listened and watched on, if she punch him, none of them would question her, Mick was the town prick, nobody like him.

"I told you to back off" She growled

"Who are these? Is he your lover boy?" He slurred slightly, but he wasn't drunk

"No, he's not but i though i told you to back off"

"Come on mate, we're not looking for trouble" Jake said standing up

"Thought not, you'll always be incapable of love, you'll end up just like your old man" He sneered, it hit Maya like a tone of bricks, but she held her own

"I don't want to tell you again Mick, either back off or i make you"

"You can't hurt me, a weakling just like your mother, she couldn't ever do any real damage, she could act sure, but she couldn't ever hurt anyone, she was never strong, just. Like. You"

She punched him in the face, knocking him to the ground, he was lay there holding his nose that was pouring with blood, she grabbed his collar of his shirt and lifted up the top half of his body

"My mother was stronger than you know" She told him before shoving him back to the floor, she looked over to a near by table and saw Miranda, the daughter of the head police man, she knew how much of a prick Mick is, everyone did

"I'll take care of it" she told her, Miranda had been waiting to see him be knocked to the ground, her own father had, she knew he would congratulate Maya on her punch rather than arrest her

Maya just nodded her head before she walked off, leaving the others in shock, Tamzin told them to wait there as she rushed after her best friend

Maya wiped her nose quickly before she continued on walking

"Maya, wait up"

She carried on

"Maya, are you okay?" Tamzin asked running infront of her

"I'm fine okay, just leave me alone"

"No, Maya i-"

"Tam, just please leave me alone, he got what he deserved, i'll see you tomorrow, tell the lads they can have tomorrow off"

Maya walked back to the house, leaving the keys with Tamzin before she left, she walked into her house, placing the kettle on before making herself a cup of tea, by the time she had finished her tea she went and layed down on her bed

Would she really end up like her old man, incapable of love?

She fell asleep soon enough, just to rise early in the morning once again.

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