Country Riding II (T.H.)

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It was around 5 in the morning, Maya was wide awake and ready for the day, she had gotten her horse out of his pen before riding down to the house, she had her rifle in the horses pouch, within a couple of minuets she arrived, she knocked on the door for aa couple of minuets, no response.

She looked up to the windows, the lights out, she walked back over to her horse, looking at the rifle in concentration, looking back up towards the windows before setting her rifle and shooting the bullet up, within seconds all the lights went on

"Get dressed boys! Don't make me shoot again!" she shouted setting her rifle back, 15 minuets had passed and they all came out of the door dressed and ready

"Right go and get your breakfast and meet me back here in half an hour, we're going to start with the horses"

They all went back inside complaining about how she had woke them up, she climbed back onto the horse before going back down to the house, she chuckled as she walked in, still finding it funny

"What are you laughing about?" Her granny asked her

"Oh, Nothing" she told them with a laugh

"Oh no you didn't, did you?" Her granny asked pouring her a glass of orange juice

She just laughed

"Oh, Maya, one of these days one of them is going to have a heart attack" she told her

"I told them to be up bright and early, and i and knocked on the door quite a few times" she told them, her grandpa just chuckled

"Just like your mother you are" he told her

"Don't encourage it" Granny warned to her husband before she left the room

"Did they crap them selves" he asked her quietly

"Yeah, it was so funny" she laughed, making her grandpa laugh

They shut up quickly when her Granny walked in, before she let out a small chuckle.

By the time she got back to the boys, she asked them if they had ever rode a horse before

"I have" Jake said

"Okay then Brokeback Mountain, you can take Skater over there" She said pointing towards a deep brown horse on the very end

"Wait you've watched that?" he asked her

"Not entirely, I've just seen the case of the video, we lost, well we lost that tape years ago" Maya says

"Right, Harry, you take Dusty, Harrison, you take Zip and, Thomas-"

"Please, just Tom"

"OKay, Tom you take Max"

They all stood with their horses as Maya taught them how to place the saddle on it's back, how to tighten the reins, how to loosen them, and finally how to mount one

They hopped up a couple of times, while Maya did it effortlessly, but once they were all up, they slowly walked outside with the horses

"These horses, you'll learn better with them outside that in, it's just how they are, so we're going to head towards the wood and then swing back again back up and back down again, follow me"

As they walked up, they all talked, asking Maya questions about her childhood, and other things.

"I noticed you live with your grandparents" Harry stated,

"Well you have to when one parent dies and the other doesn't give a flying pig when it comes down to family" she said with almost no emotion

"If you don't mind me asking, but what actually happened?" Jake asked

"Well you'll find out someway or another, best coming from me, my dad left when i was 2, wanted nothing to do with me, my mum, she died while riding into the city, car crash, died there and then, i went to collage got all of my degrees, and even did practice so if i ever had to leave this place, i always had another job set up, I've grown up here my entire life. So what about you? I know he's an actor, what about you three?"


Before they could say anything, she silenced them, they were close to the woods, she picked the rifle out of her pouch and held it up, suddenly a man ran out

"Woah! don't shoot"

"Derek?" she asked placing the rifle down

"Sorry Maya, the dog got loose" he said pulling the lead in his hand, but not too harshly

"Your lucky" she said placing the rifle back down into the pouch

"Sorry Maya, i still need to fix the hole in the fence"

"It's okay, how's Mary?" she asked him

"She's doing good, she went back to work a week ago, so she's feeling better"

Mary had broken her leg about 8 weeks ago, due to falling off her horse when it got startled by a leaf, yes a leaf.

"OKay, well bye" he said before running in the opposite direction with the dog

After a couple of hours, Maya and the lads had finished, Granny inviting them in to have dinner with them, which they did after some convincing,

By the time they had finished, the lads helped wash up, while Maya was placing the plates back into the cupboard, she heard someone shout her name

"In the kitchen!"

A girl walked in,

"Hey Maya, i was wondering if you wanted to- oh hello" she said seeing the others stood there

"Hey Tamzin"

"Maya, who are these very handsome strapping young men?" She asked Maya

"This is Tom, Harry, Harrison, and Jake"

"Well very nice to meet you, anyway, Maya, i was wondering if you wanted to head into the local, plus Michael will be there"

"No thanks Tam"

"Oh come on, atleast give the guy a chance" she said placing both her knees on the chair infront of her


"How about just one dance? Come on, you know he's been dying to ask you out"

"And every time he does, i give him the same answer and that isn't ever going to change, plus i have no time for it"

"Come on, plus it will helps these get familiar with the place" She said gesturing towards the lads

"No, besides i don't need these to wake up to another bullet in the morning, as much as it was hilarious" she said with a small laugh at the end

"You didn't, oh you poor things, okay well fine, but you all have to come out on Friday night, Derek's going to be playing his guitar again and i know you'll finish early on a Friday, so you'll all come, right?"

Maya contemplated it

"Okay, fine" she said reluctantly but with a smile, Tamzin hugged her and kissed her cheek

"I will see you on Friday then, bye Maya, bye guys!" she shouted as she left the house

"So Michael then?" Tom asked with a small raised eyebrow, trying not to laugh

"You know what Holland?"

He just smirked back, side-eyeing her,

"What's so bad about Michael?" Jake asked before tipping the dirty water outside

"He's just a flirt and is one of them where if i was to have no option but marry, everyone would expect me to settle for him" she says placing the last dish in the cupboard

"Who says you have to settle?" Harry asked

"No-one, they just expect it, a small country girl, no parents, just grandparents, they don't think i would be able to survive on my own once my grand parents pass" She told them

That night, before they all headed off back to their home for the next few weeks, they all sat round the fire, just talking about their childhoods and other things.

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