We're What?! II

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They was now on their second day, almost. As Peter was lay in bed asleep, they had agreed that they would take turns each night, if Morgan woke up, so the first night was Peter's, it was about 4 am. Luckily for Peter he had always been a light sleeper, so when he heard Morgan's small cries coming from in the nursery. He got up groggily and rubbed his eyes as he walked towards the nursery, he switched on the night light so it wouldn't hurt Morgan's eyes.

"Hey, what's all the crying for?" he asked in a soft tone

He picked her up gently and placed her head on his shoulder, he checked her diaper, realising she needed changing. He layed her down on the changing table before changing and cleaning her. He sat down in the rocking chair and placed her on his knee, she was wide awake, looking at him with her big brown eyes.

"Yeah, i don't really think this arrangement is going to work, i don't think he worked it out properly neither" he said talking to her

After about half an hour, she started falling asleep on Peter, she was lay in his arms, soon enough they had both fallen asleep.

When MJ woke up, the entire apartment was silent, she rose from her bed placing an oversized hoodie on, she walked round the apartment before seeing Peter asleep with Morgan in his arms. She took out her phone and took a photo, it was cute to see

Aww, they're so cute, what ew no, Morgan, Morgan's cute not Peter  She thought pushing aside whatever that feeling was in her stomach as she watched them asleep, well one.

As she turned around, ready to leave, she heard a small noise, she looked back to see Morgan awake, she slowly lifted her out of Peter's arms trying not to wake him, she successfully did it, she placed her on her hip and closed the door, she walked into the kitchen and placed Morgan in her high chair

MJ talked to her as she made her breakfast along with hers and Peter's, after about 20 minuets, Peter woke up, he walked into the kitchen to see MJ stood by the stove and Morgan in her highchair

"Morning" he said slightly confused

"Morning" she said looking towards him, can you give Morgan her porridge

"Yeah, sure"

As Peter sat in one of the chairs by the table, he fed Morgan her food, MJ passed him his plate and they all ate in some what of silence. Morgan laughing and throwing bits of porridge at Peter

"Morgan" he said with a small chuckle as he stood up and grabbed a paper towel to wipe the porridge off his face and shirt, MJ hiding the small laugh that had rose up

Over the next few days leading up to Thursday, MJ and Peter became more of the substitute Parents and grew closer, less annoyance held between the two, replaced with laughter and teasing.

"Hey, What about the roof?" Peter asked, since it was coming clear all three of them was getting board of seeing the same 6 rooms

Morgan was currently asleep, since Peter had just put her down, she would be completely safe since Strange had put all those spells to stop anyone from getting in or out, and with Peter's Spidey Sense, they would be safe, They left one monitor in the nursery and brought one up with them, they were both hesitant but decided to do it.

Peter helped MJ up and the pair looked out onto the dying sunset that was cast upon them, there was still a bit of a breeze, so they had fresh air. After a couple of minuets they both decided to head back down, MJ decided to stay outside for a bit longer

"Okay, well i-i'll be inside if you need me"

"Thanks Peter"

He simply nodded and walked back inside, after 20 minutes he made 2 hot chocolates and brought them out onto the very large balcony that MJ was currently sat on looking out onto the forest that went on for miles and miles

"Hey, i though you might need this" he said placing the hot chocolate down beside her


Peter said on the chair next her, leaving just the small table between them

"Can i ask you a question?" she said turning to him

"Sure, about what?"

"Why do we actually argue?"

"I-I don't really know" he said truthfully

"I know this may break the truce or whatever, but once we get out of this do you think we could be friends"

"Sure" he said with a smile

After about 3 minuets, he placed his cup down and stood up, he placed some music on and MJ placed her cup down in confusion

"Peter, what are you doing?" she said trying to hide her smile

"May told me that dancing releases endorphins or something like that, and your upset, i know you won't admit it, but i can see it and since your not one for talking about feelings, this is the next best option" he took hold of her hand and pulled her in, she placed her hand on his arm and he had his at her waist, he spun up round and pulled her back in causing her to smile

"see, your happy again" he said smiling

They was stood dancing slowly for atleast 15 minuets, laughing and smiling until Peter spun her in and caught her in a Hollywood drop, their eyes locked, it was something different, their feelings it wasn't friendship it was more, as he lifted her back up to her feet, their eyes were still locked in contact, neither one of them noticed but they both leaned in, inching, closer and closer until...

Peter Parker & The Avengers one shotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora