We're What?! 5

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Peter was sat there and looked down, MJ was fast asleep, a small smile on her face. There was a slight chill in the air, since they had been out just in their PJ's since 3 or 4 in the morning, Peter carefully picked her up, she was as light as a feather he carried her in and placed her on her bed, he covered her up with a blanket and walked out of the room, it was about 7 in the morning, Peter made some breakfast, before going and picking up a very awake Morgan.

He was sat feeding her, her breakfast. As he finished, he tied up and got Morgan dressed. As he finished, he sensed MJ was stood at the door, she had a smile on her face, he turned back his head and smiled at MJ. She walked forward and talked to Morgan

"Thank you" she said looking at Peter, she kissed him on the cheek

The pair were falling for each other, as much as they didn't want to admit it, they were falling, and fast, they had argued for god knows how long and all it took was a week of babysitting for them to realise the true reason as to why they had been arguing, the feelings they shared for one another, they had both tried to push aside their feelings therefore doing the only thing the could think of was, to practically hate each other.

As they day progressed on, MJ came to the realisation of something as she watched Peter play with Morgan, she liked him, like, liked liked him, whatever Tony and the rest of them had done, maybe it had worked better than they thought.

She stepped out onto the balcony and started playing with Morgan aswell as Peter...

Peter Parker & The Avengers one shotsWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu