Blood Transfustion

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Requested by: Display_Name123

This is not apart of the Yelena/Avengers oneshot also I don't really know how Blood Donors work so please just go along with it. Please.


They had all been placed on a mission in Germany.

Hydra had opened up with a new organization, their name? It didn't matter. All that mattered was that they were killing people and 30 people had lost their lives because of it. They had all been placed as test subjects to try and recreate what and who is Black Widow and Captain America.

But because of this, they put up a large fight. One which caught Natasha into a bit of bother.

She had been dealing with more and more bullets coming her way, she had managed to shoot down most of the opposition who had come after her inside of the building, and she had to admit. She was slightly terrified because the last time she had delt with the whole, being chased down and not really having that many exits had been when Bruce went full on Hulk and he tried to kill her.

As she ran across the metal bridge, bullets shot towards her. Most missing, but then one hit directly at her abdominal area. She could exactly tell where it had hit because it had been sharp, painfull but also painfree. She shot a final bullet and killed the last of the opposition which was left.

However she was loosing conciousness.

Quickly pressing to her ear, she came back onto comms.

Her voice was weak and she could see black dots taking over her vision.

"I-I may need help." She said weakly.

"Romanoff. What's happened? Where are you?"

"Inside the building. I-I've - een it." Her words barely came out, just a few letters could be heard.

"Cap! Do you have eyes on Romanoff?!" Clitn shouted over the noise.

"Not currently, but I'm trying!" He said through a struggle as he punched his way through the crowd. Too many agents were coming his way.

"Nevermind, I'm in." Clint spoke as he hopped down. He looked over to his left and saw a trail of blood and then a body.


He rushed over and knelt at her side, "Nat, can you hear me? Tasha! We've got an agent down."

"Get her back to the jet!" Steve shouted down comms as more agents came his way, "I'll keep the paths clear."

Clint picked her up in a brides style. She was loosing too much blood, they needed to get her to a hospital and fast. Steve managed to keep the paths clear of the agents so Clint could make it back to the jet. As he got closer, Peter webbed up the agenst who were running towards him. Peter's suit disintergrated from his body showing his jeans and black t-shirt.

Clint lay her down on the table in the quinjet, Peter rushed to her side

"What happened?" Peter asked in worry.

"She got hit, bad. She's out for the count but there's nothing stopping the blood."

Peter quickly looked towards Clint then got an idea. He'd been hit and stabbed so many times he'd made a special webbing which stopped the blood, it wouldn't stop it forever but it would protect the person from death.

Peter rushed over to the small medical cart and looked through the bottles of chemicals they had. Taking hold of a bandage, he grabbed hold of a small bottle of cleaning alcohol used for wounds. Placing his chemical formular for webbing in a bowl, he crushed it together with the alcohol before soaking the bandage in it.

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