Who's She? II

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As Peter was sat in a meeting and MJ was doing some work for Pepper, the rest of the group decided to meet up

"so their oblivious" Pepper stated

"yeah, as much as i love him, he is one oblivious man" Morgan said

"Right, so how are we meant to get them to realise their feelings" Peggy said

"we can't, if their meant to be together then they will"

"No harm can come from a small push though" Nat said smirking


Peter walked out from the meeting and straight down to his lab, as he got to work working on more web fluid, he had no idea what was about to happen


MJ ran through the halls, rushing towards the lounge, she ran in interrupting their conversation

"Have you seen Peter?" she asked worried

"He's down in his lab, is he not?" Peggy said

"MJ, what's happened?"

"I'll have to explained later"

She ran out of the room and took the stairs, since others were already entering it and she couldn't waste time, she finally reached the bottom level, it was as if everything was drowned out, she ran towards Peter's lab and opened the door, he looked at her with a smile before seeing her face, something terrible had happened

Morgan and Steve along with Peggy saw Peter and MJ running down the halls and towards the door

"Peter! What's happened?" Steve shouted, Morgan in his arms, for an 8 year old she was light

"Nothing, tell Tony i'll be back later"

MJ and Peter ran out, leaving Steve and Peggy to look at one another

"It's not just nothing" Morgan said speaking for the both of them,

By the time MJ and Peter arrived at the hospital, they rushed in and ran towards the room number the receptionist had given them

"Pete" he heard someone say his name, he looked over his shoulder to see Ned

"What's happened?" Peter asked still shaken

"The doctor said she'll be okay but i'm worried Peter, i really am" Ned said with tears being held back

Peter hugged him

Betty found out she was pregnant about 15 weeks ago, and she suffered a fall when at work and all there was-was blood

"Mr Leeds" they heard someone say


"Your fiancé will be okay, however the baby, the pair of them had taken quite a fall and it seems that the baby survived, how? we have no idea, however we do want to keep Betty in for a couple of days to monitor the baby aswell as her since it was quite a fall"

"OKay, thankyou, am i able to see her?"

"Yes, please follow me, you can come aswell" she said towards MJ and Peter

They followed after Ned and walked in, to see Betty lay on the bed, she was awake but she was tired


"It's okay, i'm here, your going to be okay, and so is the baby"

"That's good" she smiled

"How are you feeling?" MJ asked her

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