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On the roof, that was where it had happened. They had been arguing whilst fighting agents, they were known for being able to multitask when doing so. They weren't exactly the pair known to get along with one another, yes, there was small moments where the team thought that they could get along for at-least a day, at-least. But no. 20 minuets later it would be back to exactly how it use to be, arguing, just plain arguing. 

Peter slowly came round, his head was banging, just as if someone had taken a hammer to it. He looked round, still being slightly drowsy, he was slowly coming round, and so was his memory. 

They had been fighting, him and MJ, they had been fighting against agents, that was until they managed to take them all out, or so they had thought. He looked round for MJ, calling her name, he couldn't see her, one minuet he heard her voice, the next, complete silence. He was then hit over the head with something heavy, he couldn't tell what since his back had been turned and his confusion hid the warning signals his senses were telling him of. 

He looked round him. He was in a dark room, just a bit of light which allowed him to see, he was sat in some kind of chair, his ankles connected to it by cuffs, so were his wrists. A small rolling table, like the ones you'd find in a hospital. It sat over by the wall across from him, he looked to his right to also see a stand which held something that looked like a computer. 

He tried to break the cuffs but found he felt too weak to do so, as if he'd been given morphine. 

"I wouldn't try if i was you" a cold deep voice said

Peter looked over in the direction in which the voice came, a man had just come through a door, he wore mainly black. A man in a lab coat followed on behind him, walking straight over to the machine. 

The man in black just slowly walked over in the direction where Peter was sat. 

"Where the hell am i?" Peter asked

"Your in room" He said sarcastically 

"Cut the crap, who the hell are you and where am i? And where's MJ?" 

"Don't worry, your little girlfriend is safe, for now. I'm Thomas Jackson, and this is Dr Toff, we work for HYDRA and you, well, your gonna help us" He smiled, an evil laugh ready to rise

"You didn't answer my question. Where am i?"

"Oh, yeah, your in an old base for the red room, HYDRA has taken over now, now where was i? Oh yes, your going to help us"

"With what exactly?" Peter asked, watching him walk over to the other side of the room

"Your going to help us find the codes we need, and if you can't or won't give them to us, well, lets just say, we have...other methods to make you talk" He said his lips curling into a sickly smile as he lifted up a needle, flicking the end of it before turning round. 

"Okay, lets start of easy"

Within 10 minuets it had escalated to a point where Peter was slowly feeling as if he was starting to loose consciousness. 

He hit him with another punch to the face, 

"Tell me them!"

"Your still not getting them" Peter said giving a small chuckle, however this seemed to piss Jackson off more. 

"Okay, fire it up" The doctor fired up the machine and within seconds Peter felt a huge electronic wave pass through each and every nerve in his body, his back arched in pain, his head digging into the head rest of the chair to stop him from yelling out in pain. 

The wave stopped after what felt like an eternity.

"If you think that's going to work, your sadly mistaken" Peter said, his voice slowly raising throughout the sentence from a whisper to an almost inside voice. 

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