A Field Trip Of Possible Hell

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Now you'd think Peter would be overjoyed to be going on a school field trip however this time he wasn't, because it was a place that he already knew of and had been, he ever worked there. 

Stark Tower.

That was where they was heading, after the last school trip, Peter wanted this one to be better but once he found out where it would be he knew it would be much much worse...in his head. 

Unluckily for him, Mr Harrington wasn't able to make it on the day due to his wife going into labor two nights before so instead they had a teacher, a very specific teacher who did not like Peter but in-fact, hated him with all of his guts. 

There was two teachers who absolutely hated Peter and that was him and Mrs Chalk, but at least she wouldn't allow Flash to open his mouth in her class however Mr Splint did and always seemed to target Peter. 

"Mr Parker, i am telling you now, if i hear another word come out of your mouth about that stupid internship of yours then i will take actions" He snarled as he grabbed Peters arm ruffly before he boarded the bus, Mr Harrington believed Peter in his internship since he had actually seen all of the papers and Tony had sent a document to him asking if there was any reason why he thought Peter shouldn't have the 'internship', now Mr Harrington didn't know that Peter was actually Spider-Man but did know he knew Tony.

Peter nodded his head before boarding onto the bus, he went to the back of the bus and sat with Ned, MJ sat infront with a book in her hand

"You need to tell someone Peter" Ned whispered to him 

"No, it would just make it worse and you know that people aren't exactly going to go against Sir's word, their all terrified of him"

Splint looked down and make killing eye contact with Peter shutting him up, if he could be shot dead, he'd be buried 6 feet under by now.

The bus ride was like usual, busy. 

By the time they arrived at the tower, Peter's heart beat quickened, not only would he have to deal with Avengers popping up every now and then but a bully and his friends and a teacher who would rather kill Peter than have to look at him again.

"I'm telling you Parker, one word and it all ends, am i understood"

"Yes sir" Peter said quietly 

"I can't hear you" he growled

"Yes Sir"

Even though Peter was Spider-Man and had all of the bravery in the world, on the ground he was still plain Peter Parker and with Peter, his biggest fear was to be potentially killed by one of his teachers.

"Okay class, your going to take your badges and FRIDAY will scan you through, FRIDAY is the building's AI so don't be scared if you hear a random Irish Voice in the Building" The intern told them 

"What are the numbers for?" Betty asked 

"Oh, good question" The intern smiled "Well level 1 to 3 are for visitors, 4 to 8 are for press, 8 to 10 are for job interviews, 11 to 19 are for all interns who have their designated sectors, 20 to 27 are for people who visit often so other companies, government, people like that, 28 to 48 are for all original workers, so they are in full time employment, 49 to 78 are all of the kitchens, i know it's alot but we also hold charity balls and things like that on those levels too and then finally 79 to the top are for all Avengers, Mr Stark, Pepper and a couple of others" She explained

"Right, oh sorry, i'm a badge short"

"It's okay, i have my own"

"Oh good, i thought i had lost one then" she smiled, closing the box

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