Soulmates? III

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{Time Skip of 4 years, lets just say that they are 20}

She stood there, looking at her wrist, one web, one pencil and something faint just behind the web, a name almost but she couldn't make it out.

She pulled on her jacket and headed outside, she rushed through the busy streets of Queens, suddenly, out of nowhere, she heard a scream, she looked down the ally she had just passed to see a young girl, she only looked about five years old, she looked all round to see if anyone was there, she ran down to her to see her curled up into a ball, she bent down to the young girl

"Hey hey hey, it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you, are you okay?" she asked her

"I-I don't know"

"What's your name? Do you know how you got here?" she asked her

"M-Morgan, i-i was out with my big brother and we went back home but then i forgot something at the park, and i got lost" she said

"Okay, do you know your parents phone number?" she asked the small girl

She just simply shook her head

"Do you know where you live?"

"The big silver building that you can see from the park"

"Wait do you mean Stark Tower"

"Yes" she said happily

"Wait, is your dad Tony"

"Yea, but he says i can't call him that"

"Can i take you back home, i'm sure your parents are worried sick"


"Here" She said as she grabbed a spare jacket out of her bag "We don't need you catching a cold"


"MJ" she said with a smile

"MJ" Morgan said with a smile

She placed the very oversized hoodie on the child and picked her up, as they walked through the streets of Queens, after about 45 minuets they had reached the Tower, as they walked in, MJ looked round to see Tony and Pepper pacing up and down

"You looking for this one?" MJ asked with a small smirk

Pepper and Tony looked over to see MJ holding their child in her arms

"Morgan" The pair said as they ran towards their daughter

MJ placed her down and she ran to her parents

"Oh, Morgan what was you thinking" Pepper asked her as she wiped the hair out of the child's eyes before hugging her again

"Thankyou, Thankyou so much for bringing her home" Pepper said as she looked at MJ

"It's okay-" She was cut off by Captain America and The Black Widow running in

"We can't find he-" Steve started before he saw Morgan

"It's okay she's back"

"Kid we've got her"

Suddenly, someone shouted Morgan and he ran towards her, he picked her up and hugged her

"Where was you? Where did you go?" he asked her before looking at her

"I forgot my teddy at the park, and while you, wasn't looking i snuck to go back but i got lost and then this huge crowd came and i got pushed down this dark ally and then MJ came to save me and she brought me back" the girl said with a smile

"Who?" he looked round to see MJ, the same girl he had saved all those years ago

"MJ, this is my big brofer" Morgan said happily

"Peter?" MJ asked confused


"We'll give you two some space" Nat said patting Peter's shoulder


"Tony, come on" Pepper said

"Oh it just got interesting, why can't we-" Nat dragged Steve with her and they all left

"H-How are you?" Peter asked nervously

"I'm good actually" she said with a soft smile

"Good, erm, i haven't seen you in what 3, 4 years"

"Yeah, it's been a wild 4 years"


"Erm Yea, well i'm now teaching down at the local school, i'm their art teacher"

"Well, you are one of the best artists I've seen"

"How's Ned?" she asked him

"He's good, he's back with Betty again, turns out they were soulmates after all"

"Well, fair enough" she said, not really knowing what to say

"Thanks for bringing Morgan back, by the way"

"It's okay, besides i need to re pay the favour"

"Wh-What favour"

"Peter, i know it was you who saved me that day, you being Spider-Man and all"

"What, i-i'm not Spider-Man"

"Well it's fairly obvious, the voice, the fact that you suddenly got better in gym class, that you kept coming to school hurt, the same placed where Spider-Man had been crashed into"

He just let out a small laugh

"Well, i'll see you round loser" she said walking backwards before leaving


Three weeks had passed, Peter had taken Morgan back to the Park, then all of a sudden he heard Morgan shout


"Hey kiddo" MJ said as she hugged the young child who had just ran over to her

"Do you want to come and play"

"I can't right now, i have to find something to draw"

"Why not the park? You can sit next to my brother over there, come on"

Morgan pulled MJ with her and sat her next to Peter


"Shush, she's got to draw"

Morgan ran back onto the park and started playing on the monkey bars once again

"I'm sorry about her" Peter said looking towards MJ

"No it's okay, it's actually quite cute, so big brother huh? You Tony's kid now?" she asked as she started sketching

"No, it's just, well, he sees me as his kid, i think, and since Morgan was born she's been like my sister so, erm yeah"

"She's cute, alot like Tony is some ways"

"But alot like Pepper aswell" Peter said sitting back

As MJ sketched her picture, Peter looked over to see it looked like a small girl, Morgan? she had her hand up just like Iron Man, it was like she had placed a think bubble over the park, protecting it at all costs

"So, what about your soulmate? you found her yet?" she asked him

"No, not yet, you?"

"No not yet"

After 15 more minuets, Morgan came hurrying over and asked if MJ could spend the day with them, and Peter invited her along,

It wasn't long after that, the ink on the pair's wrist revealed what it said, eachothers names, Peter's read MJ, MJ's reading Peter.

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