Peter Parker X Reader

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You can just replace the colours or lengths with your own i.e. eye colour and hair colour, i'm just writing in words so it makes it easier to visualise

WARNING: Bullying. 

Peter walked through all the hall way of the school, a new girl had transferred about a month ago and she was always quiet, no-one knew who she was, not really. Peter had seen her in most of his classes but had never plucked up the courage to talk to her. She had medium length brown hair, she always wore her hood up, letting her hair hide her face. She always wore a pair of jeans and a plain black pair of converse, she always seemed to wear a green army camouflage shirt.

Peter's locker was across from hers, he would always look behind his shoulder to see if she'd notice anyone.

He heard a voice,

"Hey, Penis!"

"What now flash?" Peter asked with a sigh


You looked back to see who everyone called 'Flash', watching him stroll up to Peter, you was sick of hearing his voice, Flash's not Peter's, Ever since you transferred Peter had caught your eye, he was cute, respectful and you always smiled when you heard him and Ned chatting passionate about something, usually Star Wars or something else.

You looked back to see Flash pushing Peter, Peter barely moved everytime he did it, Flash was teasing him over and over again, so you decided to step up. You had always been confident deep down, just you never really wanted to show it since you didn't exactly ever really make friends that easily since, well they'd always turn to pick on you, that was where you had grown your confidence, to stand up against the people who were against you.

You closed you locker placing your bag inside since you have a free period next, you didn't move from your locker since no-one else was in the hall and they hadn't noticed you

"Lay off him Flash" you said bluntly

He turned to look at you, even Ned and Peter looked shocked that you had spoke, you only ever really answered with one word answers or just somewhat of a sentence

"So, she has a voice?" He mocked

You stood with your back on your locker, one foot on the lockers, your arms folded and an emotionless face, you let your hood down, your hair cascading down just past your shoulders

"Yeah, i do, nice for you to notice, now i suggest" You say standing you and walking about 2 small steps forward "You leave Peter alone"

"Why should I? I'm not scared of you, your just some stupid little girl who doesn't even know what she's doing, i know your little secret, your little crush on Peter, i know that your mom left you because she hated you, she left you at the orphanage because you was nothing but a mistake" He sneered,

You was still close to your locker, your face wavered slightly but then became emotionless once again, you grabbed hold of his pushing his up against the lockers, placing your arm across his chest, you foot on his feet and your hands had hold of both of his wrists, he was struggling to get free. Your brother had taught you a few moves before he left for the army 2 years ago, you still sent him letters every week and you always get one back every two weeks.

"Your messing with the wrong girl Thompson" You growl "You have no idea who i am, you don't know me, you don't even know yourself, what has Peter, or anyone ever done to you, to make you bully them in the way you do?"


"Exactly, nothing, now either you get out of here, or i make you" she said scaring him meaning he wouldn't be stepping foot near Peter or anyone for a while, or ever

He ran off, and Peter and Ned watched in awe

"Thanks" Peter said finally speaking

"It's okay, well, see you round" you say before rushing off in the opposite direction, when no-one was looking you headed towards the roof, a place you'd always go to when you needed a breather


"Dude! Did you not just see her face when Flash said she had a crush on you" Ned said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

Peter just shook his head

"She blushed, she likes you, you should ask her out!" Ned said smiling

"She doesn't like me, Ned" Peter said before walking down the hall

"Yes she does!" Ned shouted before heading towards the break out area, Peter never seemed to go in because, well he didn't really like being in there, and Ned would hang out with MJ watching her draw anyone in crisis

Peter walked up the stairs towards the roof, he'd go up and always have a breather

As he got up there, he could here someone,

"Crap" came a quiet voice, he looked round the corner and saw no-one, he looked up and saw her stood on the top of the roof of the door


"You found me" she said before jumping down

"Sorry, i didn't mean to intude-"

"No it's fine" You say standing up to look at him, he was slightly taller than you

"What was you doing?" he asked as he followed you towards the edge

"Flips, tricks, anything to keep my mind off killing Flash, why haven't you done anything about that by the way?" she asked as she hopped up and sat on the large ledge

"Wouldn't you rather get it, than someone who couldn't handle it, or them" he said making his point

"True" she said nodding her head

"So what are you doing up here Parker?" she asked

"Clearing my head, i usually come up here when i just need a breather from all...that"

"That?" you asked with a raised eyebrow

"Flash, School, all of it"

As you both got chatting, you become more comfortable around Peter, and he feels more comfortable around you

Over the next few weeks, you start talking more in class, answering questions, you finally feel comfortable, you start coming out of your black clothing and into, a bit more colour, by that, it meant, wearing your green 'army' jacket (Photo on the right)

You still stayed in your blue jeans and pumps, and eventually your and Peter started dating


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