Your too young to understand II

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Nothing had been the same since Peter left the Avengers. 

Everyone was still pissed at Fury, and made sure he knew too.

For months, years even. They had been trying to find Peter, to get him back to join the team again. 

Yes, you could have said it was over dramatic, but they knew Peter and if he even thought for a second he'd be putting anyone else in danger. He'd make sure he wasn't there for that to happen. Yes, he tried his hardest to save everyone he could, and believe me, he paid for it too. 

He'd been shot countless of times, as well as cut and stabbed by a knife or too due to muggers or bank robbers.

Everyone was sat round in the lounge other than Tony. 

He'd been in his lab most days, trying to keep his mind off killing Fury and the rest of SHIELD, Peter was practically his son. And Fury made him loose the one person Tony had met in his life who helped him without even knowing it.

Peter walked down the hall and towards the lounge where they were all sat.

Natasha was the first to notice but hadn't seen his face


Everyone looked up and towards the door, Steve was the first to stand up

"Can we help you?"

"Your main man is going to be down by the docks at 4 pm, your witness down stairs needs to be placed in witness protection along with his family. It seems the man who had hired him threatened to kill him and hurt him aswell as his family. Everything that was stolen will be on that boat when he's leaving, we don't have a name or what he looks like but i have a feeling we'll know him once we see him since there is only ever a couple of boats down by the dock at that time"

"You got all that in 5 minuets?" Sam asked in a small mumble 

"Three actually"

"Thankyou, Officer..." Steve said holding his hand out


Peter shook his hand firmly before they dropped their hands, that was when they all felt as if someone had hit them over the head

Wanda walked forward in shock, "Peter?"

Peter smiled, "Hey Wanda"

She ran towards him and hugged him tightly, "I missed you so much"

"I missed you too" Peter smiled.

Steve was shocked, "You, your a cop"

"Had to do something to help"

Sam smirked, "Well now I can see why they sent their best Cop"

Clint spoke up, "How the hell have you hid for so many years and none of us could find you?"

"Your forgetting I did live with The Avengers for almost 2 years" Peter smirked

That was when Tony walked in, looking up, his jaw dropped


"Hey Mr Stark" He smiled

Tony didn't think twice in hugging him, "Your back?"

"Only for a while"

"What?" They all asked at once

Peter shrugged his shoulder, "What? I have a job to do"

"Your not leaving for so long this time" Tony told him 

"Agreed. Pete, it's not the same without you" Steve said, everyone else nodding and spoke in agreement

"Fury even knows it's not the same without your help"

"You survived for many years before Spider-Man, you do know that right?"

"It's still not the same" Wanda said solemnly

Peter frowned, "Fury did wrong in choosing me, that's why I left, I come back-"

"If you come back, the team would be better off" Said a voice as they walked in

"Fury." Peter said shocked


"What do you want, Fury?" Tony asked 

"To tell Parker that we need him on the team, this team has suffered too long, and we need to bring this man in, Parker has gotten more out of him than you lot have done in a week, and he was in there for three minuets"

"Take that as a compliment, they don't come often" Natasha told Peter

"I've done my job Fury, I've done what you asked of the NYPD" Peter stated

"Yes you have, but now I'm asking you as a man yourself, Peter Parker, not Officer Parker"

Peter gave a breath out, not knowing what to say. 

Fury sighed, "I read your file, saw what you've been through-"

"How long after I left?"

"4 years or more" Fury replied, "It seems your team was right, you had been through alot, you was right too, you've seen more in the year you was here than anyone had seen in their life. This is why I'm coming to you, I need you back on the team"

"Thought I was too young to understand"

"Well, I was wrong"

Peter smirked with a smile, "Wow, never thought I'd see this day"

"Well you are, so? Are you in?"

Peter looked around at his team, "Okay, I'm in"

"Good, Hill call his station, tell them he won't be with them for a couple of days"

"Good to have you back, Parker"

Fury and Hill left, leaving the rest of the team smiling.

"Your back" Wanda smiled before hugging him, her arms wrapping around his shoulders from behind.

"I'm back", he smiled.

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