Country Riding IIIII (T.H.)

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It had now been a week and half since the lads had come to the retreat, they were known by the locals as locals, which was very rare, they had all grown closer, closer than Maya had ever done with anyone, if it was anyone else, she'd stay as far as she could away from them, since mainly, she never got a good vibe from them.

Tom and Maya had grown closer, especially. The others had all noticed it, so had Tamzin and Harrison, they had also grown closer together.

Maya was currently out in the shed, under the tractor, she was cleaning and fixing it, trying to find where the fault was, as she was under the tractor, she heard someone come in

"Hey Maya" Harry and Tamzin said as they walked in

"Hey guys" she said, staying under the tractor

"Maya, can i ask you a question?" Harry asked her

"Sure, what about?" she replied

"I was just wondering, well we all were, are you and Tom together?" Harry asked,

She shot up, banging her head on the bottom of the tractor, also sending something to drop onto her torso, making her hiss in pain, even though the wound was healing, it wasn't healing as quick as she would like it too, she was glad no-one had questioned what had happened, even though Tom had given her a couple of confused looks, which she passed off to be that one of the gates had swung into her earlier that day, whether he believed it or not she had no idea.

"No, why? What makes you think that?" she asked as she came out from under the tractor, trying to hide the pain that was shooting throughout her entire body

"Because, we've seen the way he looks as you, and the way you look at him" Tamzin said calmly

"Well no where not, and wherever you've got that idea from, it's absolutely absurd, now off with the two of you, i need to get this tractor fixed, and you sir, have chores to do and you, don't you have a lad you need to watch at work" She said looking towards Tamzin, making her blush because she knew exactly who she meant.

The pair walked back out closing the shed door behind them, Maya finally relaxed, the pain hadn't stopped, as she was about to leave, someone walked in

"Hey Maya"

"Hey Tom, what's up?"

"Do you know what's up with- Oh my god, Maya, your bleeding"

She looked down towards her shirt, blood crap!

"What the hell happened?" he asked her

"I got shot, but it's okay, it's healing" she told him, walking over to a first aid kit

She quickly cleaned up the wound, before wrapping the new clean bandage around her torso

"I knew something was up, when you came back that night, you held yourself funny" he told her, helping her up

"Yeah, well, they're gone now" Tom looked shocked, had she murdered them?

"Oh, no not like that" she said with a small laugh "There have been hunters in the forest for about a week before you came, they left that night, it was there last night, they must of heard the horse and shot, thinking i was something else, so i got back at 4, patched myself up before coming back in" She explained to him

"But it's healing now, besides, it would heal over in about two days anyway, and then i'll be right as rain"

"Yes but until then, your staying sat"

"Who put you in charge?" she asked him

"No one, but your hurt, if your doing any more work, you'll just keep it open" he told her

"I've been working for the past week, i'll be fine Tom" she told him with a smile

"OKay, fine, but-"

"Don't worry i won't overwork myself, now what did you need to know, before i started bleeding?" she asked him walking back over to the tractor

"Oh, it was Harry and Tamzin, they came out looking at me smiling, all creepy and it was just ugh" he says shaking

"Oh yeah, well um, they're probably just trying to scare you or something like that" she told him before getting started on the tractor once more, after 10 minuets or so she finally got it back working

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