Beaten and Bruised

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They was all out on a mission, take down HYDRA's weapon factories, and so far they was doing a pretty good job since most of the factories were within a 17 mile radius on one another. 

This was Peter's 5th mission with the team and so far all he'd been given to do was stay back and web agents up but luckily this time he was able to do more than that on Fury request for him to be able to do more, Fury knew his full potential, even if others didn't. 

The only people on the team who also saw what Fury saw was Nat and Steve along with Clint, however Clint was a bit more weary but for different reasons than the rest of the team, Peter was not that much older than one of his own kids and Clint didn't want Peter getting hurt because if that happened to his own son, that amount of pain and worry- he didn't want May to go through that, she had already been through too much in the past years. 

So everyone other than, Clint, Fury, Steve and Nat- they all saw Peter as someone who wasn't ready, even though it was Tony who had brought him in during the battle of the Soviet Accords, there was always part of him that showed what he really thought under the surface of it all.

Peter was taking down agents as if he'd been doing it for years, he showed what he was worth and more. 

However something happened. 

The building started crumbling from above him and there was no escape, he took cover since there would be no time to even move anywhere else, the weight crushed onto him, he tried to hold it up for as long as he could but then his knees buckled, he crashed to the ground.

He regained consciousness after about 10 seconds, smoke, dust and debris filled the air around him, he managed to get his arm free and touch the intercom in his ear

"I may need a little help here" he said, he knew even with the slightest movement he could be killed instantaneously

"Where are you Pete?" Steve asked him, a couple of grunts could be heard form the agents he was taking down 

"Errrrrr, by Building 5 or 6"

Steve was too far away and had more agents coming his way

"I'll be there as quick as i can but i may be a while"

"It okay, i'm fine- just stay safe"

"I will, Nat's down, Clint had to take her back to the aircraft, i'll try and get one of the others to you"

"No, it's okay, i'm fine, you don't need to yet"

Peter came off the intercom and tried to move but found himself trapped even more, the weight came down even harder on him, he managed to move his head to look at how he was trapped and saw that a metal rod had snapped and was less than an inch away from piercing into and through his skin, his head hurt and he seemed to have a concussion, his suit was also torn and he was bleeding from where it had snagged. He could tell that he'd be full of bruised by tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Steve managed to take out most of the agents but he knew Peter wasn't safe, call it an instinct, but he was too far away to try and get to him, he managed to get Tony onto Comms

"Tony, i need you to find Peter, he'd in danger"

"I told you we shouldn't of brought him onto this mission, if he says he'll be okay where he is, then he can wait" Tony told Steve, he managed to get hold of Rhodey and he said the same thing

"Sam, can you get a scope of 4 5 and 6, Pete's in danger"

"You know, i don't know why you brought him, i don't know why Fury even wants him on the team, he's just a kid, but sure"

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