If fate (T.H.) au

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You and Tom had been dating for just over a year now, and you loved each other so much however, his career was just kicking off and you didn't want to hold him back, you knew if your relationship got out, alot of things would happen, aswell as you having to do long distance and you didn't want Tom to be put under that pressure, so you made your mind up, you had already called Harrison and as much as he tried to stop you from doing it, you had to make sure that Harrison would be there for Tom and wouldn't be left out of the dark, he would be there for him anyway, but you wanted Harrison to know so atleast someone aswell as Tom knew the truth.

You had everything set up, luckily you hadn't moved in together since you had been at University and had been staying on campus. It killed you inside, you never wanted to leave him, you would always love him and would never stop loving him.

So when Tom came home, you asked him to sit down, he looked worried

"No, y/n i love you, what- why?"

"Tom, i love you, but i don't want us to break apart on a term that neither of us would ever want, so" you took in a breath, holding back tears "I'm going to leave, and you are going to continue with your career and make it all the way to the big screen and further, and if we are really meant to end up together, then fate will find its way to pull us together again"


You had tears in your eyes, a shaky breath, it took all of your strength and more to not run back and kiss him once more


Harrison had seen the change in Tom since y/n left, he knew the reason behind it but he knew she had made up her mind, even though it had been years since she left, it must of been 4 years now, but Tom had relationships ish, but they never lasted longer than three weeks because his heart was never in it, he knew deep down, he still loved y/n, and somewhere out there, she still loved him.


Y/n was flicking through the channels when she saw a talk show, Tom

She still missed him, and still loved him but she knew it was for the best, he was one of the biggest actors of Marvel, Spider-Man, she knew how much Tom loved Spider-Man when he was younger, he always said he never missed a single movie.

After switching the TV off, she headed back out into the corridor, collecting files of patients, she had graduated as a doctor when she finished Uni.

As she was stood by the reception desk talking to Anna, the receptionist, there was a loud bang, someone was being rolled in, she heard someone shout her name


"Yes, oh god what happened?" she asked rushing over

"A hit over the head with a metal bar, he walked into it apparently, and fell into the road, he got hit, by the looks not badly but may have some damage" The medic explained as they rushed along side the bed

"Okay, get him to X-ray, we need to do a full body scan, checking for concussions, broken or fractured bones, anything"

They rushed him in and it turns out he had a moderate concussion aswell as a bruised rib, he was lucky, however he was weak so he was placed on an IV and would be monitored overnight

When you walked over to the desk, you picked up the patients file, Harrison Oterfield wait-


She walked down the corridor to the somewhat empty waiting room except for a couple of people and a small family

"Oterfield?" you ask, then find about 5 people standing up and looking towards you

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