You can talk to animals?

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Morgan had just turned 14 a week ago and had been keeping her secret for quite some time now, ever since she was just six years old.

She could talk to animals.

Yes, just like Doctor Dolittle.

She had found out the morning of her 6th birthday, she had woken up to Happy's dog licking her face 

"Come on get up, get up, get up- it's your birthday"

Morgan screamed and jolted up, Peter running into her room 

"Morgan, what happened? Are you okay?"

"Y-yeah, i'm fine i- i just thought i saw a mouse"

The dog went ballistic 

"What, where, where, where's the mouse?" Morgan pulled a face, just like she had done that day when down in the basement with her dad when he discovered time travel. (he's not dead, no-one is other than Thanos and his army)

"OKay, well you need to get dressed and then you can open your presents- come on, quick"

Peter left Morgan to it as she hopped out of bed, once Peter closed the door, she looked down to the dog and lay on her knees

"I can hear you"

"You can hear me?"

"Yes, i don't know how, or why but i can"

"Oh this is amazing! Now someone can finally understand what i'm trying to say, come on- quick, get dressed and then we can tell everyone"

"NO" Morgan said quickly "No-one can know, not yet anyway, okay"

She was now 14 and still, no-one knows. 

So many times it had nearly slipped out but luckily everyone bought the fact she just loved talking to animals, imagining that they were talking back and answering her.

She was sat in the lounge of the compound, her knees pressed up to her chest as she did her homework on her lap,




"Sap, am doing my homework"

"I know, but i want you to come and see something, it's important"

"What? Like how your ball got stuck under the fridge?"

"That was important, but this is more important- come on"

"Sap, i have homework to do"

Before Sap could reply there was a loud crash

Morgan placed her homework down before running following after Sap

"Sh*t" Morgan said under her breath, she ran into the lab before shutting things down

"Pete! Are you okay?"

"I *cough* I'm okay!" he appeared from the smoke waving his hand pushing the smoke out of the way 

"What happened?"

"I don't know, Clint's probably swapped out one of the chemicals- i'm so getting him back after this"

"Your lucky Sap came and told me"

"Told you?" Peter questioned

"Yes told me, okay i've been keeping the secret since i turned six but i can talk to animals okay"

"Wait?" Peter turned to look down at the dog

"Yes she can talk to me" Peter jumped after hearing the dog speak

"Did he-?"

"Yes i did, get use to it pal because it's not going away any time soon"

"But how-"

"Because once I've told someone, they can hear him aswell as what he's saying"

"So that morning-"

"Yes, it wasn't a mouse, it was Sap, talking that made me scream"


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