I somewhat could tolerate the idea of Aurora and Moblit having a close relationship and a good bondage, but the moment my eyes caught glimpse of their hands holding together and seeing how easily he had lifted her.....all my sudden compromise with Aurora had faded like fog.....

Why should I be the one to apologize? After all, she insulted Marie and made false accusations about her. 

Noticing the sudden burst of sunshine raying down from those two caused more bitterness to harden my pupils, scowling down at the two of them as though they have committed a murder.

I simply was defending Marie in conversation....
Aurora just needs to grow up and understand she isn't the only pretty face around here.

Filled with annoyance but more so I couldn't deny the jealousies burning in my veins, I swivel my entire body away from the window purposely directing my attention towards my bookcase wanting to take my mind off the absurd situation.

If she prefers to be with Moblit.....then so be it.

Still heated with mostly jealously burning in my veins, I was trying to focus and concentrate my attention towards my most pleasurable leisure could relax and ease my taste......books. Eying down all the thick covers shielded within the books trying to spot any particular subject or genre that would satisfy my crave.....

Oddly enough not even the idea of reading was arousing my senses. I was still flaming with jealously but more so envy knowing how Aurora and Moblit could bond so easily without even trying....

Perhaps, I need a new situation to take my mind off of this nonsense....

An idea had struck my mind like lightening itself, flaming in my mind pursuing my body to act upon the glorious idea.

I can't recall the last time I've had a one on one conversation with Grandmother. Ever since the Sinclair's decided to step in I've always been surrounded with them.

Realizing I was getting something new in my scheduled life, my feet couldn't possibly take me quicker to reach my Grandmother's room where resting right next to her privacy is where Father would sleep......

My body was directly standing behind my Grandmother's wooden door as forming my fist into a knuckle, I gently pound my palm against the wood.

"Grandmother, may I come in?" I asked with a clear and bold voice nearly as sharp as once you finished polishing and shining shoes.

Momentarily I heard a sudden croak swarm the room, knowing right away whose voice it was.

"Enter." she croaked like a bullfrog from the other side.

I claps my palm against the doorknob, turning it clockwise as my body shuffled more and more until I was standing alone with my Grandmother having the door shut closed behind us.....

It's sad to say, but the last time I was here in her room was when Father was alive.....

Grandmother the overweight toad she was, was comfortably sitting in a rocking chair that rested in the corner of the room with her left hand rested on the armchair as her right clasped a floppy piece of parchment paper.

Curious indeed.

Itching with curiosity to know what she was looking at, my body glides towards her like a magnet filled with wonder on what exactly could she be looking at?

"Grandmother, what are you looking at?" I question tipping my head forward in hopes I could see the image of the picture much better....

Grandmother had no reason to hide was she was looking at, in fact she willingly handed me the parchment paper but slowly glided it towards me with cation and her icy blue eyes filled with softness.

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