Part 33

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Well, I guess Kelly is really aiming for that fairytale ending in her life story and she wants it bad. All she's been talking about is her "fiance." How weird does that sound? To be seventeen and have a fiance, I guess I'll never know what that's like. She told her parents and they don't care really. I mean they are happy for her so yeah they do care but I mean they don't care in a negative way. You know what I mean? Ugh it doesn't matter if you do or not. It's simple. Her parents are happy for her and don't care what she wants to do with this whole engagement thing kuz she's happy now. All they want is for her to be happy and she is. Although she still has to move with them to Roy.

I wish she could live with me but we got my cousin from New York coming. He's gonna live with us starting next month and we won't have any more room in the house. Not to be rude, but I want Kelly. I seen this dude like three times and I don't want him coming into my life and changing everything. My aunt is already saying how she wants me to show him around and shit. And she wants him to be with me at school. He's only a freshman which sucks kuz he won't fit in with me and my crew really. They're gonna pick on him and then I have to step up and protect him and shit. Am I his mother? No!

"Beyonce! Phone!" I rolled over in bed and picked up the house phone.

"Speak your business." I heard Shawn laughing on the other end.

You ain't that ghetto!" He started laughing even more.

"Shut up, yes I am. What do you want anyways?" He slowly stopped laughing and got serious.

"To tell you that you're gonna love me even more now." Five bucks says no.

"Why?" Maybe he was up to something, I did say I liked surprises. Thoughtful little surprises are the best thing for me.

"I talked to my moms and pops and Kelly talked to hers. Guess I'm getting a roomate soon." It took me a while to comprehend what he was saying but I finally got it!

"Oh my god! Are you serious?" I shot out of bed and started screaming.

"Damn girl, my ear!" I stopped screaming for him.

"Sorry. Oh my god I gotta go call her! Bye!" I hung up on Shawn and dialed Kelly right away.

"Took you long enough." We both started screaming together.

"I love him!" She started laughing and so did I.

"Hell so do I, he gave me a place to stay. Who would have thought though? Us, roomates." I sat down on my bed and started putting on my slippers.

"I don't even know. I'm coming over." I hung up the phone and ran downstairs.

I got a cup of water and my keys. I hopped in my car after saying my goodbye's and headed to Kelly's house. She was already outside in her driveway waiting.

"Hey booboo!" She ran over to me and gave me a hug.

"Half way here I realized I'm in my pj's." She started laughing and I took the basketball on the ground and shot it.

"It's okay, no one on this block is ever dressed. People stay in their pajamas religiously!" Me and her started shooting around.

"So who had the idea of you staying with Shawn?" She took the ball and passed it to me.

"He did." That surprised me kuz he never told me about that idea at all.

"Hey Beyonce! How you doing baby?" Kelly's neighbor came over and gave me a hug. The cutest little ten year old ever!

"Hi Elliot, and who you calling baby?" He let go of me and rolled his eyes.

"Can't deny me." He smacked me on the butt and started walking away.

"Boy come here!" Kelly pulled him back by the hood of his sweatshirt and he tried to fight her off but it was no use.

"Say you sorry before I kill you." He looked at her and then at me.

"Sorry baby, we'll finish this tonight. Kelly getting kinda jealous." He blew me a kiss and walked back to his house.

"Damn I need to move now!" I started laughing as Kelly layed down in the middle of the driveway.

"Girl get up before I run over your ass!" Her dad came out laughing. Kelly got up and moved to the side while he took the car out of the garage.

"Where you going daddy?" He stopped next to us and handed Kelly a twenty dollar bill.

"You didn't see me!" He drove away and left us confused, until her mom came out of the house.

"Kelly where did your father go? He was supposed to help me." It all made sense at that point.

"I don't know ma, I think he left a while ago." Kelly put the twenty in her pocket.

"Okay. Oh hey Beyonce baby, I didn't see you at first. How are you?" Didn't see? How does someone not see me? I'm the best thing to happen to the world since sliced bread, you have to notice me no matter what!

"I'm good. How about you?" She came over to me and gave me a hug.

"I'm great. Kelly do me a favor okay?" Her mom took out a fifty dollar bill and handed it to Kelly.

"He probobly went to grandma's." Kelly stuck the fifty into her pocket as well and her mom just smiled.

"Thank you sweetie. You two should get inside, it's cold out here." We ran inside and upstairs into Kelly's room kuz her mom was right, it was cold outside.

"So where's Tron?" Tron was Kelly's older sister. She has a daughter who was three right now and the cutest thing. She calls me auntie BeeBee. I just want to eat her up!

"She came last week for two days then had to go back home for work and stuff." Her sister lives in Dallas with her husband Ronald and her daughter Alexis.

"Oh okay. How is she doing?" Kelly nodded her head and picked up a magazine.

"Let's not get into all that health stuff now." Her sister had been raped and beaten about half a year ago and was pregnant but lost the child. I guess it's better that she did lose it. Lord knows how many more problems that would have caused in her life.

"Okay. Oh my god, I hung up on Shawn!" I started laughing and Kelly just sat there confused.

"What the hell are you talking about now?" I told her how I just hung up on him kuz I had to call her. She called me a bunch of things, none which are not rated R so it's on the down low.

"Call him back and tell him even if you don't love him, I do and I always will. Oh and me and him are best friends." I dialed Shawn's number and he picked up on the third ring.

"Hello." Kelly took the phone from me. It's like she didn't trust me to talk to him.

"Hey Shawn! I just wanted to say I love you and we're gonna be the bestest friends ever okay?" I heard him laughing on the other end really hard.

"Alright Kelly, and tell Beyonce she's an ass for hanging up." I snatched the phone from her.

"And you ain't getting none of Beyonce's ass for a while! Bitch!" I handed her the phone back and walked out of the room.

"Beyonce! He said you gonna come running back!" I probably will.

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