Part 50

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So it's safe to say I don't know what to do with myself anymore. This life is hard. As much as I wanted to act like nothing was wrong, I couldn't.
I guess at one point in your life, everything builds up and you can't do anything about it except cry.
Yeah, I cried. But who wouldn't? That girl was the cutest child I had ever seen. It's hard to know that her mother was the cause of her death. I just wish that I didn't even meet the girl. It's easier when you don't know the people on the news. Shit why do I have to get so attached to things. I only saw her one damn time. Of course that makes it worst for me kuz I could have done more. I felt like something was wrong from the begining, and I should have offered to babysit or something.
God knows how long that child was dead. I don't even wanna think about her. It has been a whole week and I'm still stressing over this thing.

"So since Winter Break officially begins Saturday, what are we all doing Friday night?"

I set my pen down on my desk and thought about the question for a while. It would be nice to just chill and have good laughs with people.

"We could go to the movies and then go swimming at night. Now you know that's really fun."

Michelle nodded her head and laughed.

"Remember last time though?"

I busted out laughing thinking of what she was talking about. It was me, her and Kelly and we were swimming at Michelle's house when we broke the heater. The water started getting cold as hell and we tried to run into the house. Little did we know that one of us locked the damn backdoor.
We had to run to the front and use the spare key that they kept hidden behind a flower pot. Now I'm not saying who locked us out, but it was Kelly. Oops, whatever. I was mad at her for a while after that kuz the boys found out. They made fun of us for what seemed like forever. Everyone says like ten minutes, but no. I know it was more than that.

"We won't let Kelly's ass near the door."

Michelle nodded and we went back to thinking about our work. We were supposed to be doing an essay about a book we read over the last summer break. It was only me and Michelle out of our group who came everyone ditched. None of them read a book so they are all at home reading now. Of course I know that's not true kuz they're gonna just read some Spark Notes on something. I fnished my essay and went up to turn it in.

"Where is everyone else?"

I looked at Ms. Johnson and shrugged my shoulders.


I walked back to my seat quickly and put my head down so she wouldn't bother me anymore. My phone started vibrating in my pocket and I took it out and put it in my lap. I looked down at it and saw that I had a text message from Kelly. I started reading and couldn't hold my laughter in any longer.

"Michelle, take this shit please." I stretched my arm out and she grabbed it and started reading the message.

"No! How the hell did she find out? Damn I lost the

I laughed some more and Michelle handed me the phone back.

"What do I say to her now?"

She wrote down something on a piece of paper and threw it at my head hard. I wrote everything on the paper to Kelly and sent it to her phone.

"So how long have they been on the low?"

Michelle shrugged her shoulders and laughed.

"I wish I found out about it first though. Now I owe Kelly twenty dollars."

If you're wondering, the message was about Ms. Johnson's life. Apparently, she's been doing more than just grading our papers after school. Creeping baby! Everyone does it once in their life. She was doing it with the football coach. Michelle and Kelly were trying to figure this out for a month. They knew she was getting some but they didn't know from who.

"So swimming it is?" I looked over at Michelle and nodded my head.

"This time with the boys." She gave me a look and I busted out laughing.

"Why no?" She looked at me like I had a problem.

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