Part 20

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So I woke up thinking today was gonna be one of the best days of the week kuz It's Friday and all.
Yeah, that thought went down the drain the second I got up out of bed. As soon as I stood up I heard my aunt on the phone yelling. I knew who she was yelling at but I just stayed in my room. Now was not the time to go outside of my room. Especially not with her in this kind of mood. Nope. She was on the phone with her younger brother aka my other uncle. He was always causing problems. He calls my aunt anytime he needs money or a place to stay for a while. It's so sad. She gives him everything he needs to live off of but yet he still tells people she doesn't care about him. Sometimes he even calls while she's at work kuz he knows I'm alone. He tries to turn me against her but of course it doesn't work. I've been around long enough to know the truth about it all.

I just decided to get ready for school and let her continue her yelling in private. I dread going outside. I knew she was crying already. She always does when she talks to him. I don't understand how her own flesh and blood doesn't understand how bad he's hurting her.

"Beyonce, can you come here?" I quickly finished getting ready and I headed to my aunt and uncle's room to see what he wanted.

"Did you need something?" He was laying in bed watching t.v. already. Why is this man up so early if he doesn't have to go anywhere? He's probably just crazy like everyone else I know in this world.

"I know you heard your aunt so I'm just gonna get to the point. I want to take her on a vacation."
I smiled knowing where this was heading.

"I think that's good for her." Inside I was already jumping up and down.

"Can you manage to stay a week by yourself?" I really hope he knows what he's doing.

"Of course. I'll have Kelly and Michelle stay over so I won't be alone at all." He smiled at me.
I took that as my que to leave. I turned to walk out thinking I was smooth.

"Oh and tell Shawn and Roy that while you guys might think you're alone, I'll still be watching you." I just laughed and walked out.

How does this man know everything before I even have time to plan it out? I think he's magic. He might have ESP. If he does that means he can hear my thoughts now. Oh I need to shut up before I say something wrong.

"FUCK YOU!" I heard the phone slam downstairs and my aunt start crying. I slowly walked over to the top of the stairs and saw her sitting on the floor crying in her hands.

"You're adding on years as we speak." I knew that would make her feel better. Everytime one of us cried we reminded each other about wrinkles so we stopped crying. Just as I thought, she stopped right away.

"You got time to sit with me?" I walked down the stairs slowly and sat next to her at the bottom.

"You know, he's just one person in your life. Don't let him get to you auntie." She put her head on my shoulder and wiped her tears.

"It's easier said than done Beyonce." Gee, doesn't she think I know that?

"I did it, didn't I? You're such a stronger person than I am so I know you can do it too. Trust me."
She lifted her head and looked at me.

"When did you get to be an adult?"

That was a good question. Just yesterday my biggest problem was coloring inside of the lines. Now it's real life issues stressing me out.

"I don't even know." She gave me a hug and I got up.

"Go clean yourself up." She took my hand.
I helped her up from the floor and we walked upstairs together.

"Gotta go."

I went into my room and she went into hers. I still had so much time to kill before school so I decided to lay back down and just think. It's been a while since I got to reflect on things in the past. Sometimes it's hard to do it, but I have to. I know if I don't get rid of my feelings from the past than my future will suck. I thought of everything that has happened in my life. My mom dying, my dad trying to get back in my life, my step sister dying. Everything. At one moment tears were coming out of my eyes but I didn't feel the need to wipe them away this time. These tears are my closure tears. Letting them fall means I'm letting my past fall.
Letting my past fall means my future us rising. I learned that from experience.

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