Part 12

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The talk with my aunt went over pretty smoothly. She only asked about a million questions which was not bad for her. She has been known to ask about a trillion. Of course she was happy for me and him. She did however remind me that I was gonna have to tell my uncle when he came home and that's when I got kinda scared. He never liked my boyfriends. I think it's gonna be different with Shawn though. Because Shawn used to always be around, they became good friends. So I don't think my uncle will be mad or go crazy. He knows I'm in good hands with him.

When I was done talking with my aunt I looked at the time and realized it was already nine. I needed to take a shower and sleep so I can be awake in class. I got everything for my shower ready and I hopped in the tub. It was so relaxing and I knew I would fall asleep if I sat down. So I tried my best to shave my legs just standing up straight, which was a horrible idea. That shit was too much work. I should have just shaved in the morning. 

After I finished the shower and cleaned the bathroom up, I was off to sleep in my bed. I swear I wasn't even in bed for two seconds when my phone started ringing. I was so mad until I remembered about Shawn. He said he would call me later. I guess this is later. I reached for it and looked at the screen. I smiled right away when I saw his name.

"Hello?" I answered trying to sound upbeat, but knowing I sounded sleepy as hell.

"Hey baby, you already sleeping?" I still can't get over the fact that he's calling me baby.

"I was getting ready to. What are you doing? How's your cousin?" Everytime his cousin would come out, we would always go shopping together. She was cool.

"Brianna is the same old Brianna. Speaking of her, she's right here and she wants to talk to you." 

Hell yeah! We always had each other cracking up. "Okay."

I heard them two yelling at each other and fighting and then finally it was silent. 

"Hey Beyonce!" She said all perky and shit.

"Hey Brianna. How are you doing?" Maybe she can wake me up.

"Nothing. Getting ready for bed." Well, I guess I was wrong.

"Me too. So how long are you gonna be here?" I'm already ready to go shopping. Just the girls, it's pure heaven.

"Three weeks." That's not a lot of time at all. 

"Well damn, I hope you got at least three days free for some shopping." If not, better do it now.

"Of course. But Shawn already told me that I need to behave myself because we all getting older." Riiiiight. 

"And? No one has to listen to his ass." Even though I knew if he told me something, I would listen. That's the power I was talking about him having.

"You're right. Well I'm gonna let you get back to your boyfriend and I'm gonna be going to bed. Goodnight!" How did she know? She hasn't been here for a day yet and she already knows about us? 

"Wait, how do you know?"

"Know what?" She knows what I'm talking about!

"Shawn and I being together." Honestly, if you think about it, we barely found out we were together. Right?

"I didn't know. I just called him your boyfriend kuz I always knew he had a thing for you. But I guess that thing got him somewhere." I just set myself up for that one. Jeez. 

"I guess so. I'm gonna come see you tomorrow after school." Better be home too!

"Okay. See you then. Here's Shawn now, bye." I heard more fighting and yelling and then Shawn breathing calmly. 

"You okay over there?" I asked wanting to know if he was having another asthma attack or not. 

"Yes. I just need to cool down before I kill my cousin." They were always fighting. But at the same time, they were always protecting each other too. Kinda weird.

"Oh okay. So you plan on going to sleep anytime soon?" Kuz I am!

"Yes. I know you want me gone so you can sleep. Don't try and front like you don't."
I just laughed. It's better to just do that than to lie. "See, I knew it. Well I'm gonna let you go then."

I didn't know how I should feel. Sad because I can't talk to him anymore? Happy kuz I can sleep? I think it's gonna be both things together.

"I'll see you tomorrow at school. Goodnight."

I would have told him to pick me up, but I knew Kelly and Michelle would be here kuz I told Michelle about us. I'm pretty sure she already told Kelly about it too. 

"Wait, before you go. I got a question. Do we tell people or no?" I wasn't sure. I wanted to tell him to keep it quiet but at the same time, I felt proud to be his girl and I should let others known.

"I guess we should. No point in hiding it." Even though he was on the other line of the phone, I could tell he was smiling.

"Okay. Goodnight." Damn it. I wanted to say bye to him, but at the same time I didn't. I'm just all confused and it's all his fault. 

"Goodnight." I hung up the phone. That shit went flying across the room. I didn't want to be bothered anymore by it or anything else. I wanted to sleep. As sleepy as I was, it was hard to fall asleep. All I kept thinking about was Shawn and I being together tomorrow. Finally I was out cold and dreaming about cupcakes.

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