Part 71

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Tomorrow is the day that I've been looking forward to since this school year first started. Am I excited? Yeah! Who wouldn't be? This is my favorite time of the year. I'm ready to kick back and relax. My aunt and uncle left last night as soon as my uncle got home. Sucks for me. They're coming back next week, which means I have to keep myself entertained for a while. Yeah, I decided not to have a party or to have people come over this time. I don't know why, I just want to be by myself I guess and think about things that are happening. Things are my dad. So it's more like the thing that is happening. I can't believe he's actually back trying to get me, I thought he got it the first time that I didn't want to even have him around. Why would he try to get me now? I'm basically about to be a grown woman and he wants to control what I do now? Please. I make my own damn decisions and this time my decision is staying with my aunt.
He can't just take me away. Not after all those years of ignoring me, shit. He needs to go back to his happy little family and deal with those kids. Not come into my life and try to butt in. Doesn't he understand that I'm happy without him and that he's only gonna make things bad? I don't need a dad, I already have one. And I sure as hell don't want a father. I'm fine with knowing that he didn't want me, so why can't he be fine with knowing I don't want him? Stupid adults. They don't know what's happening in their own lives half the time, but they lecture their kids. Well, this time I'm not getting lectured by anymore abou the right thing to do.
I'm doing it my way and I don't care who I hurt both physically and emotionally. I'm not leaving without a fight. Literally.

"So he just wants to come back like that? He gave no warning to anyone?" I shook my head as me and Michelle walked from math class to our lockers.

Shawn was on a field trip with the football team so us girls were alone for the day when it came to boyfriends.

"I'm telling you, my aunt said he's trying to say she's a bad parent kuz of the way I act." I opened up my locker and threw my stuff in there.

"He has some nerve." She opened up her locker and neatly put her stuff in.

"And so he's gonna use anything I do here against her."

She shook her head and we started walking towards the lunch tables. "That's gotta be hard."

I knew that Michelle was the right person to talk to kuz of her situation too. Her mother left her and her dad and tried to come back, but Michelle refused to let her come into her life now. She didn't even think twice about it.

"So I'm gonna try my hardest to stay out of trouble."

We sat down on a table and waited for Kelly to come. We were ready to go. Not home, but just ready to go eat.

"Well, I mean, if this is really taken to trial, you'll have a say in it." I nodded as Kelly finally came up.

"Sorry I'm late, this damn boy was blocking my way."

We just laughed as we got up and went to get our food from the seniors. See, only seniors could leave campus for lunch, so we had them buy our food. They loved us, so it was okay. As we got the food and sat down on a bench near by to eat it, I noticed someone looking at me.

"Yall see that boy?" They both looked up.

"Oh yes I do. He's a cutie." I looked at Kelly and she just laughed.

"What? Roy is gone, I have a right to look." Michelle just laughed.

"Anyways, he looks kinda familiar." They both started looking at him. "Don't be obvious!" We all started laughing and didn't notice him come over.

"Um excuse me."

We all looked up at him. Kelly smiled, Michelle looked nervous, and I was just afriad.

"Sorry, she's special." I turned Kelly's head away from him and Michelle pulled her away.

"Let's go get you water."

As they were walking away, I couldn't help but notice that he was staring at me.

"You know, you look really familiar. Do I know you from somewhere?" So it wasn't just me that thought so.

"I feel the same. Maybe we went to the same school before."

He just shook his head at me. "Nah, I just moved here last month with my folks. My name's Josh Smith."

No he didn't say Smith. He could have said any other name, but Smith just killed me.

"Smith? Oh my god!"

I got up and ran in Kelly and Michelle's direction. Kelly was kicking a soda machine and laughing.

"I want my money back!" She kept hitting it over and over again with force. Finally the machine made some kind of noise. "What? What cha gonna do? Shut up and give me my money!"

I pulled her away and they both looked at me.

"Why did you do that? It was about to give in!"
I just shook my head.

"That boy's last name is Smith. As in my father."

They both gasped and looked towards him. He was still in the same place that I left him.

"He looks a lot like you." My heart sank as Michelle said that. I couldn't believe it, that was my half brother. Well damn. I guess that's why he looked so familiar. He looked like a boy version of me.

"What are you gonna do?" I just shook my head.

"What can I do? I didn't even know my father was in this city!"

All this time, I thought my dad was back in New York with his family. I didn't know he moved here.
And he moved last month? That means he's been keeping an eye on me huh?

"Maybe it's not even your brother. I mean, Smith is a common last name. Just think about that Beyonce."

I shook my head. "Look at his face Kelly! Look at his features! I know that's my brother!"

We all stared at him. Again, he started coming up to us. Shit, this is bad for me.

"Sorry, but did I scare you or something?" I didn't even know what to say.

"She's um not feeling well. Sorry." Michelle grabbed my arm and pulled me away towards the bathroom while Kelly stayed back. "Kelly get your ass over here!" Kelly ran towards us and we walked inside.

"Sorry but he's not my family." She smiled and I just sat on the sink.

This can't be happening to me. Oh my god! I wonder if he knows about me. I mean, he has to, right? If my father wants me back, he knows.

"You're thinking if he knows about you huh?" I looked at Michelle and nodded. "Well, only one way to find out." She opened the door and Kelly helped me up. "Just get it over with Beyonce."

We walked out and found him right next to the door.

"Yes I know about you. Don't worry."

We all just froze. Well, almost all. Kelly was just smiling away.

"I'm sorry Josh." I guess in a way, I was apologizing for my mother.

"It's okay. We all make mistakes, you were just a big one."

No he didn't! He doesn't know who he's talking about. I will whoop his ass until he starts crying!

"Hold up, you don't talk about her that way. Your father is the hoe in this." Kelly got right in his face. "He's the one who didn't think your mama was good enough so he cheated! Bitch!"

Me and Michelle pulled her back before she could swing at him.

"No one wants you. Okay?" He walked away and I broke down crying. I guess my father really did mess up. He's the only one who wants me back, and he probobly only wants me for the money. I'm not going to that family. I have a family and I don't need another one to mess it up.

"Let's go get my money back." I looked at Kelly and smiled. Thank God I have her and Michelle to support me. The only thing I needed right now though, they couldn't provide. The person who could provide it, is on a damn field trip.

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