Part 62

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Yes I was right the day before when I said me trying to figure out his problems will cause problems between us two.I started asking questions and one really hit a nerve and it was all over from the moment it came out. I asked him if he ever tried to get in contact with his brother and he said yeah but then I made the big mistake that ruined the night.
I told him if he really wanted to see him or talk to him, he should try harder and not stop trying till he reaches him. He said I didn't understand and that he has tried everything, and I ended up yelling at him over nothing. I still can't believe I did it, and I don't know why I did it. He had a point, I didn't understand. Maybe that's why I flipped out on him too. All I know is that I messed up big time, and I hope he fogives me. We have all day in school for him to forgive me. He can't run away, I will make sure to bug him until he accepts my apology, or at least till he hears it.

There's about half an hour left until the bell rings, and everyone is around the lunch tables except for him. I hope he decides to come. If he doesn't, then that's his fault. He's acting like a baby in some ways. It's not like I said everything was his fault.
I knew better than that. Kelly said he was getting ready this morning, so that means he is going out.
We just don't know if he's going out by himself, or if he's going out as in coming here. All we know is, he's somewhere outside now. No one can reach him either. His phone is off and hasn't been on since last night. Which by the way, was awkward.
He had to drive me home, and it was too quiet in that car for me. He didn't even want to look my way.

When he parked in my driveway, I got out the car and he took off. I didn't even get a chance to walk away before he started speeding. I never seen him drive so fast in my life. So with all these thoughts going through my head, I made up my mind finally.
This isn't all my fault, and I'm not gonna take full responsibility for it. I don't really even care anymore.

"Oh there he is." Roy pointed to the main gate and I saw Shawn walking through.

My heart started racing. Okay, maybe I do care.
Fuck that, I know I care. I hurt my husband, and I need to figure out a way to fix it. I don't want us to ever fight again. Ha! Like that will ever happen. Only the good couples fight, and if that's true, we are beyond good. We are an amazing couple. We show how strong we are by fighting so much. We live through it all.

"What up Shawn, you cool?"

He looked over at Roy and nodded. "Yeah I'm fine man. I just went and got some breakfast. Food for though."

He kept walking and sat down on a table. Kelly looked at me like she wanted to kill my ass right away..

"You broke him hoe. Jeez." She walked away and Roy just laughed.

"I gotta follow her before I get in trouble, you'll be fine." He walked away and I went over to Shawn.

"Can we talk?" I sat down next to him and he looked over at me.

"Sure." Wow, this is a big step up from last night.

"Look I'm really sorry for what I said last night Shawn." He looked away and I grabbed his face. "I understand you're upset, I'm upset at myself too. Just know that I'm truly sorry."

He kept staring at me and I knew it was no use in trying to talk to him. He just wasn't budging.

"Well, that's about it."

I got up from the table and started walking until someone grabbed my arm. I smiled instantly. I knew it. He couldn't stay mad at me forever. We got too much love for each other. Finally I turned around and my smile faded away quickly.

"Let go of me Michael." He let my arm go and I kept walking. I felt him walking next to me.

"I see yall are fighting." If I answer, I'll be doing him a favor so I just decided to keep my mouth shut.

"Well, I'm here for you." He hugged me and I pushed him away.

"I don't want you to be here for me though." That's right, I'm sticking up for myself buddy. Bet he never expected this from me.

"Every time I see you, yall are fighting. Apparently he keeps messing up." He has no right talking about Shawn like he's some kind of bad boyfriend. I'm the one messing up here.

"You don't know anything about him so shut the fuck up." I started walking away and he grabbed me again. This is getting old.

"I'm just saying, no matter what, I'm here for you. We're friends first, lovers second. Alright little mama?" He grabbed my face and kissed me. I pushed him off and slapped him.

"Don't ever do that again!"

He was about to slap me back but he was pulled by his hood backwards and onto the ground.

"Don't get yourself killed nigga." Shawn took me by the hand and led me to our lockers. "You okay?"

I nodded and he started opening his locker.

"Alright, well just make sure you don't get stuck with him while you're alone."

God he's great. I know he's still mad at me, but he protected me and I know he will do it again no matter what is going on between us two at the moment. I guess I kinda knew I could trust him for life. Yeah he might have his flaws, but who doesn't? I know I sure do. I have more flaws than anyone else I know. It's not like I'm keeping secrets. He won't ever find out. As much as I would love to tell him my secrets, they might hurt him. It's best that I keep certain things to myself. A lot of things now.

"Thanks for bailing me out, I know he would have knocked my ass out if it wasn't for you." I ain't lying either. My ass would still be on that floor trying to recover. I know the power of his fist, it's too much for me.

"I don't let other people touch the mother of my children." He smiled and closed his locker.

I really need to stop hurting him. I realized that I am constantly hurting him in some way.

"So does this mean you forgive me for what I said?"

He grabbed my hand and led me back to the tables. "I think you already know the answer huh?"

I smiled and we sat down together.

"Aww look, they're happy again." I smiled at my friend and looked at Shawn. We sure are happy

Junior Year ✔️Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu