Part 39

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If there's one thing I hate, it's when bitches act like you're supposed to be scared of them.  Jemeisha kept looking at me all through Spanish. I guess she was hungry. I got bored and went online on my phone and she opened up her mouth and told on me. I was about to kill her. She was such a damn hoe! The teacher didn't seem to care but she was still gonna die! If the teacher had taken my phone, I would have socked her out right there. All she has to do is keep herself out of my life if she doesn't like me. Lord knows it would make things easier.
She claims to hate me with a passion and tells people she couldn't care less what I do. Excuse me but why are you always keeping an eye on me then? Exactly! She's probably just another jealous hoochie that needs to be socked a couple of times and then she'll leave.

"Dang where's Julius? Didn't he say he would make sure to be here for lunch?" I looked at Kelly and shrugged my shoulders.

"He might be lost Kelly." I'm pretty sure that's it. Our school wasn't small so him getting lost was probobly the reason.

"Or he's fighting." I looked at Michelle and she just raised her hands.

"I'm just saying, he probably is!"

I got up and started walking to his locker. Everyone followed behind me. When we got there I saw him and Jermaine pushing each other. Shawn ran over and pulled Jermaine away.

"Let him go! I wanna see what he can actually do!" Julius started going after him.

I ran in and grabbed him before he could do anything.

"Yo Let me go!" He tried to get out of my grip but I kept pulling him away until we finally made it to the quad and I let him go.

"Why the fuck you pull me away like I'm some kind of animal? I ain't no baby!" I can't believe this fool is yelling at me. All I did was try to help him out.

"The way you acting makes me you think you are a baby! Why you trying to mess up what you just got?" He pulled his hood over his head and started walking away. "Answer the question!"

He turned around and looked at me.

"This ain't my life! This ain't me!" He turned around again and walked away.

I thought he would go back to his locker but he jumped the gate and left. First day of school and he's ditching fifth and sixth period. I know I'm gonna have to tell. As much as I don't want to, I know it's gonna help him out in the long run.

"Where did he go?" I turned around and saw Shawn coming up to me.

"He hopped the gate and just split." Shawn put his arm around me and his head on my shoulder.

"It's good he's smart." I turned my head and looked at him. This boy was not smart, he's dumb.

"Skipping his first day or school is smart? My aunt and uncle only asked him to do one thing, go to school."

He let me go and turned me around to face him.

"What would happen if he stayed?"

I was about to answer but nothing came out of my mouth. I hate doing this. Now I have to look dumb in front of Shawn kuz I know I'm wrong. If Julius stayed he probobly would have fought. If he fought he probobly would have gotten kicked out right away.

"I see your point." He smiled and hugged me.

"I'll go find him and make sure he's cool."

He gave me a kiss and left. He jumped the same gate Julius did and took off down the street. I love this boy! No one else would ever do that for me, even though he's mostly doing it for Julius really. But at the same time he doesn't want me to worry so it's also for me kinda.

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