Part 64

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So the past couple of months have been okay, but there was one major change in mine and Julius's life. Basically, he's moving out. Yeah, I was shocked and sad at first just like everyone else.Before I get into why he is moving out, let me talk more about him. See, last month, he told me something that opened my eyes. He said that no matter what, there is always one person making sure you don't fuck up, and that's you. He said to be your biggest inspiration and to not rely on others for anything in your life. I could understand why that was his outlook, and I think it's a good one. If people let you down, most of the time you're fucked up.
If you let yourself down, you can say it's okay and you'll try again next time.

He's pretty smart for a turd. I'm gonna miss the little rugrat more than he knows. He was basically my first real sibling. I got mad at him, I helped him out, he helped me out, we fought, we laughed, we were basically brother and sister, not just friends. I know I have Kelly, but she's both my friend and my sister. He's just my brother. That's not a bad thing. Saying he's my brother means I would do anything for him, but I wouldn't hang with him. He's my annoying little brother that I refuse to take out in public but I love more than anything in the world. Now, he's leaving me. I shouldn't have gotten so close to him, and he feels the same way about it. We knew this would happen. He wasn't here to stay forever. We both knew never to get close to a person again in our life. I guess we let our guards down and felt like we had so much in common. Well, this is something else we have in common now. We're both gonna lose each other. And it's not even over something we did, it's over another adults mistake. Yes, mistake.

My aunt found out she was pregnant and now the guest room is for a baby. Whatever, no one wants this baby. She herself said she didn't want a child at the moment, well now she is stuck with one huh? I hope this teaches her a lesson. Julius knew right away that he was leaving, so he didn't give them time. They would have let him stay until the baby was born, but he took it upon himself to leave. No time to talk about it, no time to make another living arrangment. Nothing. He just said he would be leaving in a couple of days. In front of them, he acted like he didn't care, but I knew better. I knew what it was like for me when I came.
After spending a week here, I knew I never wanted to leave. I'm sure he knew that as well. Although for him, he's basically being forced out. He seems to be going without a fight, it's like he's used to all this. Psh, not me. I would be throwing bows all over the place just to stay in this house. Shit, this is paradise for me right now.

"Beyonce! Please do me this favor, I won't need anything else from you, ever again." I took a deep breath in and started walking away. "Thank you!" I looked back and Julius was smiling. I hate doing his dirty work.

"Um, Chanel? Can I please talk to you in privavte."

She looked at her friends and followed behind me.
When we got to the girls bathroom, I locked the door and she looked scared. "What's up?"

I couldn't bring myself to do this. I feel so bad for her now. "I'm sorry Chanel, but Julius is moving back to New York soon."

Her facial expression killed me. It's like I told her someone in her family just died. "Why are you telling me?"

I shrugged my shoulders and she looked down. "Well, I guess I'll be seeing you around."

She ran out of the bathroom and I ran into a stall. I couldn't go outside at the moment, I was mentally unstable at the moment.  I just broke up with my cousins's girlfriend. I never thought I would ever say that in my life. Why did I do it? If this was happening to me and I was in her situation, I would want him to tell me himself. I wouldn't want to hear it from anyone else.

"Beyonce? You in here?" I quickly pulled myself together and walked out the stall.

"What's up Kelly?" I walked up to the sink and pretended to wash my hands.

"Why you in the bathroom?"

For the first time in my life, lying to Kelly will be the easiest thing I would ever have to do. I didn't have to think of a brilliant lie that she can look into and find out the truth. This was pure bliss.

"I had to pee smarty. Duh." Cha ching. One for Beyonce! 3.8 GPA my ass. She should have known the answer before she even asked!

"Oh okay, well, when you wanna tell me the truth, you know where to find me."

Busted again. When can I lie to her and get away with it? I guess I'm just too easy to read when it comes to things like this. But then again, she's the only person who can read me. If it wasn't for her, I would have a great lying record. But she ruins it. I can lie to anyone and they will all believe me, but not Kelly's stupid self. She's crazy when it comes to that stuff. I could lie about a relative dying and start crying like there was no tomorrow. But nope;
She would just hit me and tell me that I shouldn't lie about stuff like that. And she would be right. What is she? Crazy! Like I keep saying and like I will keep saying. The hoe is crazy! Capital C in that.

"Fine. Julius is moving back to New York and I'm just thinking what if that happened to one of us. You know, moving away?"

She shook her head and looked around. "Well, we know how to make it okay. And we know how to be nice." She took out Shawn's house key and smiled. "See, I was nice to him and I got a room!"

I laughed at her and she hit me lightly.

"Perk up hoochie. You'll see him again, just remember that." I sure hope I see him.

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