Part 46

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No one can say I'm not a trooper. I have been through hell and back really. Right now, I'm pretty sure I'm going through hell again. It's been three days and I haven't talked to anyone in this house. Not even Shawn really. I tried to stay away from him for the most part. I didn't need his problems.
Kelly said he wasn't talking to her kuz he was depressed. Whatever, I'm not about to talk to him just so he can talk to her. He needs to just stop.
I'm done carrying about people and what the fuck they have to say to me. Everyone wants to act like they know what's happening. No one knows but me. I'm the one going through this shit. Damn I'm just tired of it all. I'm so glad that today is Friday. I have all night and day tomorrow to sulk. I can just lay in bed and do nothing for two straight days.

"Okay everyone, it's your pop quiz!"

I looked up at the teacher and rolled my eyes. I hated math with a passion, and today was not my favorite day for this. The tests were all passed back and I just looked down.  I didn't know what to do with half of the shit on the paper. How did I get to this class? I don't know any of this! Of course everyone else was zipping through it.  Well excuse me for being normal. God forbid I was bad.  These kids don't know what being bad in a subject is. To them, a B is a really bad grade. Imagine what a C would be. Oh lord, they would commit suicide probobly.  Hell, a B- would be suicide. C is on another level I think.

"Bee, here." I looked to my left and Michelle passed me a little balled up paper quickly.

There were five questions on the quiz, and she was arleady done with it. They required a lot of work, so I don't know how she did it. I quickly copied everything I needed to and got up to throw the paper away in the trash. I walked back to my seat and Mrs. Espinoza got up from behind her desk.

"Okay people, your time is up. Pass up your papers."

We all passed our papers up and she decided to let us have free time while she graded it. Normally, this would be the time that I enjoyed the most out of the day. However, right now they can all ask me questions freely. We didn't have to be quiet or anything. And I knew Michelle had some questions for me.

"So what are you doing this weekend?" I looked at her and smiled. Maybe if I talk first, she won't get to ask me anything.

"Nothing, it's a chill weekend. Maybe go out and get a few things, that's it. You?" I shrugged my shoulders and looked around the room.

"No plans yet." She nodded and got up. "I gotta go pee, hold on." She went to the front of the class and the teacher gave her the pass.

Now I have Shawn.

"So what are you doing this weekend? Any big plans Mr. Carter?" He shook his head no and went back to his phone..

"Oh okay. Well, call me if you decide something."

He put it down and looked at me.

"I thought you weren't talking to me no more." Oh boy, here it goes.

"I was pissed, I needed time to myself. I'm sorry."
He nodded his head and put his feet up on the chair in front of him.

"Mr. Carter. Up here."

He got up and walked to Mrs. Espinoza. She was showing him the test. He looked like he could care less. It's probobly an A then. He's used to them. She gave him the test and he walked back to his seat looking pissed.

"So, how high of an A is it this time? Manage to get extra credit?"

He put the test down in front of him and I saw the Fail on it. I was shocked. I knew it wasn't kuz he didn't know this stuff. That's impossible for him.

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