Part 65

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Two more days, that's all I have left with Julius until he goes back to New York for good, which totally sucks. I know as soon as he gets out there he's gonna turn into his old self and get into trouble again. I wish there was something I could do, but I know he's a guy who wants to live his life the only way he knows how. By himself. I guess you can say I'm hurting, but I'm not letting anyone see. If people find out, they will treat me different. They're always gonna ask me how I'm doing and if I need anything, and then I won't forget it. That's all I wanna do right now though. Just forget about this whole situation and forget about him. Act like I never met him at all. As far as I'm concerned, he's just a cousin from New York who came into my life when I didn't want him at all. I wanted Kelly to move in with us, but he took her room. He let me trust him and now what? He's leaving, I'm staying, and we're probobly gonna loose touch in a couple of weeks. That's how it always is, and how it will be.

"Can I borrow your eraser?" I looked up from my classwork and looked at the boy.

"Um yeah, here you go."

He took it from me and smiled. "Thanks a lot cutie." He winked at me and walked to his seat.

He called me cutie, and that made me blush.

"Yup, I'm not here. Nope, not at all. Don't feel bad for doing that." Oh brother. Here we go again.

"Shawn just drop it."

For the past week, we've been arguing non stop. It's too much for me. Everything I do seems to get him mad, and everytime he tells me about it, I get mad at him for it. Back and forth, back and forth. I don't know what to do anymore.

"Anyways, here are the answers." He threw a piece of paper.

I unfolded it and started doing the worksheet we were assigned. Whoever thought math would be a good subject? They need to be socked in the damn heart. I hate this shit with a passion. Screw numbers and shit. I'm not gonna need to do know how to get the Tangent of anything in real life. Why am I wasting my damn time with this anyways?
I should just drop out of school, it doesn't matter. I'm gonna marry rich and all my problems will be solved quick. I'll hire someone to count my groceries when I need to see if I can get in the express register line. Who needs to know how to count correctly anyways? Just make up a number, but make sure you pray before you do kuz God likes it. Once I guessed on a math problem, and it was tricky too, but I got it right. Made sure to pray before though. Yup. Don't get it mixed up and pray after you guess. That just makes no sense at all as we all know.

I handed in my worksheet and went back to my seat. Shawn had already got up and switched seats with Michelle. Whatever, big baby. He needs to face me like a real man would.

"Look Shawn, here comes that homewrecker." They just laughed. It was the guy from earlier and he was coming my way.

"Here's your eraser. Thanks a lot." I reached for it and he just held my hand.

"Um, can you give it to me please?"

He just smiled. "Oh I can give you something alright."

How come as soon as I think a guy is nice and polite, he turns out to be an ass?

"Yeah, he can give you a itch" I laughed at Michelle and he stared her down.

"Watch your mouth. You don't know who I am."

She just laughed and put her hand in his face. "I know you don't brush your teeth. God damn! I bet your whisper stinks too, huh?"

He just rolled his eyes and walked away. "No Ms. Attitude did not roll his eyes at me. Better recognize bitch!" She threw up some kind of fake gang sign.

"What the hell was that?" She looked at me.

"Iono." She did it again and busted out laughing. "It's the Killa M's sign. Don't come round here acting like you know what's up! You don't!"

I busted out laughing and looked back at the boy. He was sitting in his seat talking to his other friends and laughing. They kept looking my way but I didn't pay them any attention.

"So what's up between the family?" I looked at Michelle and she was looking at me and Shawn.

"Nothing, he got an attitude over that boy talking to me and flirting."

He was about to say something but MIchelle put her hand over his mouth.

"Let her finish, then you can talk." She looked back at me. "Okay, so how does that make you feel?"

I can't believe we're doing this.

"Iono. I guess it makes me feel sad that he can't seem to trust me and that he gets mad at me for something I didn't start."

She nodded and then looked at him. "Okay, now you can go."

He just stared at me. "I have no comment."

He got up from the chair and went back to talk to the boy who was flirting with me. The nerve of him!
He made me feel like shit for talking to him, and now he's being his buddy and shit? Fuck both of them, they can date each other now.

"What the fuck was that?" I looked at Michelle and shrugged my shoulders.

"I don't even want to figure it out."

We kept talking to each other until I heard people screaming and running to the back. We both got up. We tried to get through the crowd but these people weren't budging for shit. So we did the next best thing, we got on top of the tables. We started jumping up and down to see what was going on, and that's when it happened. I realized, I'm in love.
I saw Shawn beating up the guy from earlier and people cheering him on. I guess they understood it.
They knew what happened and they felt he was doing the right thing. Not even the teacher cared enough to stop the firght right away. Finally, people pulled Shawn off and the teacher made people help the other guy out to the bathroom. How sad.
No one wanted to volunteer to do it so she forced three guys to do it. They didn't look happy at all.

"Damn Shawn, you was like bam bam bam bam!" Michelle started throwing fake punches.

I just looked at him and smiled wide. This was it, this was the point in my life when I realized I didn't just love him, but I was in love with him. How weird. I didn't know there was a difference until it actually happened. Finally the bell rang and we all left. Me and Shawn walked to our lockers and I was smiling at him the whole time.

"So when are you gonna propose?"

He just laughed. What is he doing? Doesn't he know I'm dead serious? He's worth me turning in my pimpstress card and settle down. Since I'm gonna have his children, I guess I should also marry him. I mean, if he wants to marry me.
I'm not gonna rush him, but I'm also not waiting til after college to get engaged. Shit, I'm getting old.

"Don't worry, I got it planned out."

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