Part 66

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Yup, it's official. He's leaving tonight. At eight we have to go to the airport and say goodbye to my cousin. He's been acting like nothing is wrong and that he doesn't even care, that hurts me. I've been trying my best to spend as much time with him as possible before he leaves, and he's just doing his own thing. I don't know what to do anymore. I don't see why I was ever nice to him in the first place, he's just rude. Since he's been here, I've gotten in more trouble than I ever have in my whole life.
Shawn said I should just leave him alone because this is his way of dealing with the fact that he has to move back again. I don't care what he says though, this little boy needs to realize that life isn't only about him. It's about me. Yes that's right, it's about me. Screw Julius now, I'm done with him and his attitude.

"Beyonce, wake up!" I lifted my head from the table and looked at my aunt.

"I went to sleep like four hours ago dang." I put my head back down and then I felt something slide down my back. "Shit! Why do you do this to me?"
I jumped up and the ice fell down from my back.

"Take it as a weekend alarm clock." I pushed my uncle and he just laughed.

"I don't see why I have to wake up anyways, I'm not the one leaving today."

I saw the look my aunt was giving me and that was my que to shut up. "Go upstairs and get ready now."

I didn't even want to fight her at this point. There was no point.

"When are we going?"

She kept staring at me and not blinking. "In about half an hour, okay?"

I looked at my uncle and nodded my head. "Okay."

I walked upstairs and passed by Julius. He just looked at me and kept walking. That's right, better keep going. He knows I will beat his ass. I heard my phone ringing and I ran into my room to find it.
I always lose that shit on the weekends. I started throwing my sheets all over the place until I finally found it.

"Okay speak!" I heard heavy breathing on the other end.

"I can't feel my legs, so please come open your door now." I laughed and hung up.

I ran downstairs and opened the front door to Kelly jumping on me. "Shawn's been chasing me all the way from home, and I finally lost him two seconds ago. Give me five minutes."

She ran inside and said her hello's to my aunt and uncle and then went to my room and slammed the door. I waited for Shawn to appear so I can tell him where she went just for fun. Finally, he came.
He looked kinda mad.

"Where is she, and don't lie." He said bending over to catch his breath.

"First, don't be so rude."

He looked up and rolled his eyes. "Hello Beyonce, can you please tell me where the hell she went?"
I laughed and helped him in.

"Tell me why you are chasing her, then I'll think about it."

His nostrils were wide open and he grabbed me by the waist. "Just tell me where she is!" He lifted me up and I screamed. "Do you want me to get it out of you? Or do you want to cooperate and tell me?"

Hmm, what shall I do?

"Okay, put me down first." He let me down slowly and I took off running upstairs and yelling. "Kelly open the door hurry!"

The door swung open and I ran inside. As soon as I got in, we slammed it shut and locked it.

"So what happened?" I sat down on my bed and she just fell on the floor and spread her arms out.

"A lot."

I looked at her and she was barely breathing. I laughed and went to get a bottle of water. Yup, my mini fridge sure comes in handy sometimes. I handed it to her and she was gulping it down.

"That idiot is crazy!"

Excuse her, why is she always calling him names? I don't call Roy names. Well, not when she's around.

"Okay, I washed my red underwear with his white shirts, and then laughed at him." I started laughing and she just shook her head. "See, anyone would laugh. It's even funnier when you see that shit."

Someone started banging on my door and I got up.

"Who is it?" I just wanted to mess with him now.

"Open the damn door!"

Kelly got up and ran to my window. "I'll meet you downstairs." She climbed out the window and I opened the door slowly. Shawn came busting in and started looking around.

"What?" He looked at me and I just smiled.

"Where did she go?" I shrugged my shoulders and he kept looking.

As soon as he went into my closet, I went out the window. I've gotten used to doing it quick. As many years as I've been doing it, I know how to get down safetly in less than a minute. I met up with Kelly at the bottom.

"Okay, so if we just run in through the front door now, we can go into the kitchen for protection."

Kelly nodded and we snuck to the front of the house. I reached for the knob, and it opened.
We knew we were in deep shit now. Shawn was standing there with his hands on his hip.

"I'm sorry, we don't want any." He slammed the door in our faces and I heard the lock click. Why am I always getting stuck kuz of Kelly? I always try to help her, and it backfires on my ass.

"This is all your fault, go away." She laughed and hugged me tight.

"I'm so glad that you're not letting him get me. You really do love me huh?" Wrong!

"No, leave me alone." I tried to get away but she held on.

"Come on, let's go get back inside big baby." She pulled me to the side of the house and opened up the living room window slowly.

"How the hell do you know how to unlock this from the outside?"

She just laughed at me. "You really wanna know?"
I nodded my head and she turned to me. "Remember last year when I had to stay with you for a week?" I nodded my head and she just smiled. "Well, I used to sneak out to meet up with Roy."

My mouth flew open and I was about to scream but she put her hand over it.

"Shut up! Don't tell anyone, not even him." Ahh! This is huge! They been creeping!

"But he was with Shari when we were in the tenth grade Kelly!"

She just laughed. "So? I had to get mine, and best believe I got it!" She's really crazy. I can't belive she did that.

"So how long were you two creeping before it stopped?" She just looked at me like I was stupid.

"I'm not telling you nothing else. You don't need to know the details."

Damn her! I thought we were friends. I would tell her stuff like that. No, I wouldn't. I take that back.

"Hurry up and get inside woman!" I snapped out of my thoughs and climbed inside.

I looked around and then Kelly came in. "Okay, we can make a run for it." We both took off towards the stairs.

"Shawn! They're back in!"

I stared at my uncle in disbelief. "I hate you."

Shawn came running over to us and I didn't know what to do.

"Take her." Kelly pushed me forward. I landed in Shawn's arms and she ran upstairs. "Sorry!" I heard my door slam and I looked up at Shawn.

"You messed up."

I saw the look in his eyes, and it was telling me that I was gonna pay for helping out Kelly's ass. I hate them all!

"I'm so sorry, please don't get mad at me."

He just laughed. "Oh it's too late for apologies." I decided that it would be too much if I tried to fight him.

"What if I give you Kelly instead of me?"

He smiled. "Deal." Score!

Junior Year ✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon