Part 8

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Waking up to the sound of someone banging on your door is not very calming. I was about to roll out of bed but Shawn stopped me.

"I'll get it."

He left the room and I was about to go back to sleep but I knew there was no point. I heard footsteps.
I knew it was either Kelly or Michelle that came. And there was no sleeping anymore. They never let me sleep. I think they just liked torturing me.

"Beyonce, how you gonna just let Shawn answer the door like that?" Michelle busted in my room and jumped on me.

"Kuz I was sleeping. Damn." I pushed her ass off and she layed down next to me.

"Oops. Did I wake you?" Like she really cared if she did.

"Yes. Now what do you want?" Didn't she have to pick up her sister? I hope she ain't forget about her.

"I need clothes." She has her own house full of her clothes. Why come to mine?

"My clothes?" There was no way she could fit in any of my clothes. Well maybe she could in the shirts, but they would be a little loose on her. She was smaller than I was so pants won't work.

"No. The clothes I left last week that I didn't wear yet." Like I knew where they were?

"Michelle just find them and go before I kill you."
She disturbed my sleep. I wasn't gonna be nice about it now.

"Okay. By the way, your room looks nice." I stopped for a second. I didn't realize before she said it, but my room was actually clean. I mean spotless! I guess Shawn has been awake for some time.

"Shawn cleaned it while I was sleeping." How long was I sleeping? Kuz he must have had a short ass nap if he managed to clean.

"Damn I need to call him over to clean mine too. Roy isn't doing a good job at it." All she had to do was pay Roy and he did it. He cleaned her room, did her laundry, and her chores. She paid him a good amount for everything so of course he was fine with it.

"Michelle, remember what I said about killing you?" I was still tired. I needed rest.

"I'm going don't worry. Talk to you later. Bye." She picked up her clothes and left my room. I heard her and Shawn laughing and yelling downstairs and then the front door close.

Should I keep sleeping or be nice and entertain my guest. I think sleep sounds good.

"Beyonce! You been sleep for too long! Get up!"
I know he's not yelling at me in my own house. Plus, I haven't been asleep for longer than two hours, I'm sure. So he needs to shut up.

"Just one more hour! Please!" That's all I needed and I would be fine for the whole day.

"You already slept for three hours! Now get up!"
Three hours? Damn. I guess I really needed that nap. There was no way I could fight him on this issue, so I might as well get up.

As hard as I tried, my body would not get out of bed. Oh well, too bad. I guess I gotta sleep. My eyes barely closed when I heard him enter.

"I can't move. I tried, but my body won't do it. I'm sorry." I didn't even bother getting up. If he wanted to talk to me, he could do it like this. I didn't need to be sitting up to ignore what he was saying, I could do it laying down comfortably.

"Fine." I felt him sit on me and I almost died. He doesn't look this heavy. I guess it's the muscle that's really weighing him down. Whatever it is, it was heavy!

"I can't breath." Well. At least that managed to come out. Air didn't seem to want to come in or out, but words did.

"It's cold. I gotta keep warm." Oh shit. The air!
I couldn't feel it kuz I was still under the covers but I knew it was still on. I guess his genius self wasn't able to find out where to turn it off.

"Okay, let me get up to turn it off." He lifted himself off of me and helped me up. Well I'll be damned.
I think my toes froze as soon as I touched the ground.

"Go woman!" He pushed me out the way and he got into my bed. He seemed comfortable in the spot I was laying in. I guess I made it warm.

I walked to my aunts room and into her closet. That's where the control for the air conditioner was.
That's where everything was. All the controls were in her closet. I turned it off and walked back into my room.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Since my sleep was ruined, I might as well do something to stay awake.

"Nothing. Just chill." Boy am I glad I woke up. There's nothing better than just sitting around doing nothing.
I'm so excited about not doing anything. I could almost cry. Not! If I can't sleep, then he can't chill.

"Shawn, let's go shopping." I knew he loved when we went shopping. Almost as much as I loved chilling.

"Can we set a time limit?"

Okay, every good shopper has rules set. I have four rules. Three main, and one for fun. Rule number one was that I always went with someone. I didn't like shopping alone. Rule number two was I can't just walk around. I need to buy something. Rule three was I had to spend at least a hundred dollars. And my final and most fun rule was that I will never set a time limit. He was breaking the rule, I can't break it with him.

"No. Let's just go for fun. Come on! Please!" I knew I had him. As soon as I said please and I made my eyes big, I knew he was hooked. Oh Mr. Carter, you can't win with a person like me. I'm too experienced for you.

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