Part 41

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When Shawn said what he said I felt like my heart had stopped beating for sure. I hated knowing the people I loved were in pain all the time. Kelly said she would look out for him when she was home to make sure he doesn't continue doing it. When I called him that night he wasn't picking up. I called him like 10 times too. After a while I just gave up. It was clear he didn't want to talk.

Someone who did want to talk was Julius. He got in the house two hours before we had to get up for school. I guess he can still say he was home early. It makes sense if you think about it. I walked into his room and he was on the bed knocked out. When he heard me moving around he got up though and I decided to try and talk to him about everything. I asked him when he started cutting himself and why, the same with the drugs. At first he was giving me simple answers but then he got into it. He said he started cutting himself when his father left them, which means he started when he was seven. After his father left them he had to be the main money maker in the household.
My aunt didn't provide much but she did spend most of it on drugs. He said he had to find a way to get by and that was by selling drugs. He did what he had to do, point blank.

"Beyonce, do you know the answer?" I snapped out of my thoughts quickly.

"Umm no sorry I don't." I looked around and saw where I was. I was in English class and we were supposed to be reading an article and discussing it with the class.

"You need to start paying attention before you get in serious trouble."

I looked over at Shawn and nodded my head.

"I know. Damn." I looked down at my reading and decided to just focus on school at the moment. Other shit can wait for now.

I still haven't talked to Shawn since yesterday. I avoided him all morning as well. I knew if I saw him that I would go off on him and say something.
I'm not in the mood for us to start fighting so that's why I let it go.

"Kelly, can you please do me a favor?" Kelly got up and walked to the front of the class and Ms. Johnson gave her the pass.

"Two boxes arrived for me in the office. Can you get them?" Kelly nodded and Ms. Johnson looked around the room.

":Roy!Wake up and go with her. They're big boxes." Roy lifted his head and wiped the drool from around his mouth.

"The answer is six." He said out of nowhere. He looked around and we were dying at him.

"Baby just get up and let's go." He got up and walked out the door with Kelly. They seemed so happy together.

I looked over at Shawn and he was talking with the girl on his left. I hated that girl. She was always giving me dirty looks no matter where we were.

"Beyonce, I need you for a favor as well." I got up and walked to the front.

"I left my grade book in my car." She handed me the keys and looked in the back.

"Who do you want? Shawn?" I looked back at him and he was already getting up.

"Nah. No one." I walked out of the class not even looking back.

I knew when I get back it's gonna be war between us but whatever. He wants to talk to the walking STD then fine. I can make my own friends without him. I walked out to the teachers parking lot and got the grade book out. I was walking back to class when I saw Julius walking towards the bathroom.

"Hey little cousin! What's up?" He looked at me and shook his head.

"Please don't do that in public. Please!" I laughed at his begging and put my arm around his neck.

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