Part 36

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So after two months of dealing with drama, Shawn finally decided to pop the big question. If you ask me, there was no better time to do it. We been through it all. The hard times, the good times, and even the times that have no label. When he asked me, I couldn't stop smiling. He was just the cutest thing in the world when he was nervous like he was that beautiful night. He sat down next to me after a football game and just stared at me. Finally he asked me if I would spend Thanksgiving with his family and Kelly this year. I couldn't have been more happy!

What? Did you guys think he proposed or something? Oh no, that's what senior year is for.
I'm too young to be engaged now. When I'm eighteen, I'll be ready.

Well I'm going to the big dinner tonight and I'm actually nervous. His whole family is gonna be there including his cousin. He just didn't like me, or maybe he liked me too much in the wrong way. I didn't like him though. He tried to flirt with me once and I wasn't feeling it but never told Shawn. I didn't want him getting mad at family. Ever since then, me and him have been butting heads and we hate each other. I hate him with a passion! Kelly made sure no matter what my difference with him was, I was coming. She was new to the Carter family and they were all meeting her tonight. She's met most of them but not the people who were flying in from different states. When I was ready I finally left the house.

My aunt and uncle had flown out to my uncle's sister's house in Washington. Thank god I didn't go.
I hated that place. His family is so loud and it just kills my ears all the time. They don't believe in letting you sleep after ten, and that kills my mood all the time. Great people, just bad company really.

I made my way to Shawn's house and parked my car in their garage. They knew I was staying there.
There was no way I was gonna go back home to an empty house.

"Hey!" Kelly ran up to me as soon as I got out of my car. I gave her a hug and looked around.

"Why you out here waiting?" She shrugged her shoulders and looked down at the floor.

"Don't be nervous. We got each other." She looked up and smiled at me.

Truthfully, I was feeling sick tonight. Not only do I have to worry about being civilized, I have to worry about meeting all the new people.

"Let's go inside."

We walked inside together and I was immediately greeted by Shawn's little cousin September. Yes the childs name is September. She was born on September first. Don't get me wrong, it's still ghetto as hell but it's got some meaning to it I guess.

"Hey Seppy! How are you baby?" I picked her up and she gave me a kiss.

"Kelly taught me how to color earlier! It was fun!"
I looked over at Kelly and she smiled.

"I had nothing else to do."

I put September down and walked into the kitchen to greet Shawn's mother and his grandmothers. Along with his aunts.

"There she is!" His mother said coming over to me. I gave her a hug and a kiss and smiled widely.

"I don't get that kind of warm hug?" Kelly asked sitting down at the table. His mom went over to her and kissed the top of her head.

"You and Shawn are too much alike. Maybe you are mine." Kelly looked up and smiled.

"I'd rather not be blood related to your son. Sorry Mama Carter." I started laughing and September came up to me again.

"Come with me!" She pulled me by my arm and I had to stand my ground.

"Hold on Seppy, let me say hi to everyone and then we can go."

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