Part 54

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Oh Christmas Tree Oh Christmas Tree. That's all I know and that's all that matters really. No one knows the rest of the song and no one bothers to ever sing it. The Christmas Tree part is the most important. So yes, it's that time of the year. The time of joy and surprises. If there's something I know, it's that Christmas was made for only one person. Beyonce. On this day, nothing has ever gone wrong. Not one damn thing ever. This is happy time in my life. It's not even about presents for me, it never has been. It's about the atmosphere. Everyone is so happy and no one let's their problems affect anyone else around them.
If you're sad, you bottle it up until the next day kuz it's only right. No one wants to ruin Christmas and no one should ruin it kuz I will whoop their ass. I don't care who you are. Come between me and my holiday, I will be forced to use my Power Ranger moves on you. Left hook, right hook, bam bam bam! I could be a professional boxer.

"Girl get your ass up! I've been here for a good ten minutes waiting for you and I can't anymore. Up!"
Kristin busted into the room again and I got out of bed.

"Dang I'm coming. Calm down." She pushed me into the bathroom and I had to hurry up and finish. She was knocking every damn second to tell me to hurry up.

Finally, we made out way downstairs to the tree. Family was everywhere passing gifts to each other and just laughing along to the stories. This is what my life is missing. This feeling of a big family and love. I mean, yeah I have love at home but the thing about it is that I want to be surrounded with my whole family. Like if I want to go to my grandmothers, I would just have to walk down the street and stuff. I don't want to have to fly to a different state. Maybe I should move. They wouldn't mind taking me in and I wouldn't mind moving. I will miss Houston, but this is more my place. They understand me better here. And I've been making plenty of friends around the block. I'm gonna have to think about that.

An hour later, we were finally done. I got a bunch of shit that I was very happy about. Even my little cousins gave me stuff. It meant a lot to me. It wasn't things they bought, but things they made. Their little art projects were lovely. I can't wait till I have kids and do stuff like that with them. How cute. Thinking of kids got me thinking of Shawn. I haven't spoken to him yet and today is Christmas. Damn it. I have to call him and wish him a Merry Christmas. Even if I am mad, I have to do it.

"I'll be back, I have to go call my girls. Save me some food."

Kristin nodded and I ran upstairs to my room.Before I could even reach my phone, it was already ringing.

"Hello?" I heard screaming on the other end and I laid down. This is gonna be long. "Merry Christmas to you too Kelly. How are you doing there?"

I heard her stop screaming and I knew she was doing bad.

"This is horrible. Winter in Cali and it's hot." I started laughing and noticed she wasn't.

"I'm sorry Kelly. You'll be going soon." She perked up right away.

"I know and I get to see you. Yay!" I laughed and she started yelling at someone in the back.

"Okay so how's Christmas with the family?"

I didn't want to tell her how I was feeling kuz it would bring her down.

"It's not you." That was true, but at the same time, she wasn't them. I don't know. I'm confused.

"Well, you'll be back home soon too and we can have a sleepover the first night." I know she was trying to make me feel better, but I didn't need it as much as she did.

"That would be nice. Well, I hope you like the present from me." I heard wrapping paper and she started screaming.

"I love your present! I can't believe I had to wait!"
I laughed and grabbed the present from her. "Well, I hope you like mine too girl."

I unwrapped her present and took it out.

"It's beautiful. Thank you." I put the bracelet on and smiled at the engraved message.

"It's kuz I love you, you're my only wifey." I started laughing and she did her famous loud laugh.

"What's Michelle to you then?" She kept laughing and then finally talked.

"She's my baby mama. Duh." We both kept laughing until I heard my phone beep.

"Okay Kelly, I got another line. We'll talk later."
She started fake crying and I couldn't help but smile.

"I guess. I miss you though." I started fake crying too.

"I miss you too and I love you wifey. Bye." She started blowing her nose way too loud.

"I love you too. Bye." I clicked to my other line.

"Hello?" I heard laughing on the other end and then a scream.

"Hey Beyonce! What's up?" I kept hearing screaming and Michelle only laughed harder.

"Nothing." I was about to ask her what was going on until I heard a door slam.

"Okay, I think Roy just died. Aww." She started dying and I just had to laugh. "He always finds a way to amuse me."

She kept laughing and I really had to stop her kuz it was annoying now.

"Okay Michelle, I know you called to wish me a Merry Christmas. So, Merry Christmas to you."

She stopped laughing and cleared her throat.

"Merry Christmas from all of us B."

I smiled and reached out for her present. This was our tradition with gifts. Since we were usually away, we would save each others presents until we talk on the phone together.

"Okay so did you open the present yet?" I heard noises and then she screamed.

"Oh yes! I love you for this! Now open mine B." I started opening it.

"It's really pretty Michelle. You and Kelly must have thought of this huh?" She started laughing. That meant yes.

"And you know you love us. Okay I gotta go fight with Roy."

I couldn't even get anything except a 'bye' out before I heard her scream. Her and Roy were about to start fighting and all hell was gonna break loose. Man, I love those two. I hung up the phone and got ready to call Shawn, but he beat me too it I guess. My phone started ringing and I slowly picked it up.

"Merry Christmas." I tried to make my voice sound perky.

"Merry Christmas. I'm glad I caught you. How are you?"

Hmm, how am I?

"I'm okay, just thinking about home. How are you baby?" See, he's lied to me enough, I can lie to him too.

"I've been better." I could hear by his voice that this was serious, but I didn't think I could care less right about now.

"Oh alright. Well I have to go hang with the fam. See you when I get back."

Damn, I am good at lying. Maybe that's why he does it so much huh? Kuz he's pretty damn good too. Too bad he can't cover up all his mistakes though. Not so smart.

"You know what? How about we just stop talking till we come back home?" Now he sounded hurt.

"Why would we do that? Are you mad?" Haha! I am smart.

"No but you are and I'ma find out about what when we both get home. Bye." For someone who wasn't mad, he sure did hang up quickly. Even before I did it.

"Well, that's one less problem to think about while I'm here."

I walked back downstairs and continued to celebrate with my family. This move sounds good right now.

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