Part 13

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When my alarm went off in the morning I swear I just wanted to kill everyone in the world. I rolled over without opening my eyes and hit the snooze button with a smile. I still had more time, hopefully. I went back to my sleep mode but my alarm went off again. It wasn't supposed to go off for another ten minutes.

I opened my eyes and saw Kelly and Michelle next to my bed with my alarm. Damn them! I knew they would be here, but I didn't think they would be here this damn early.

"Well now that you're up, let's start talking." Kelly said. Her ass was shining. Roy really bought out a whole store of diamonds it seems. I mean, damn. She had the biggest earings I have ever seen. Not to mention the necklace she had was amazing. Rings all over her damn fingers and everything. He really did make it up to her.

"Fine. What do you want to know?" They made themselves comfortable on my bed before saying anything else.

"Were you serious about what you said?" Michelle asked smiling wide. I looked over at Kelly who was also smiling.

"What did I say?" Ha! I think I should just tease them for a while.

"Bitch you know what you said." Okay, maybe I won't tease them. Kelly seemed mad when she said that. 

"Okay. Yeah I was serious."

They both started screaming. I put my head down. I knew my aunt was about to come busting in my room thinking I was being killed by someone. And just like I said she would, she did. My door busted open and she came in. She had a bat in her hand and her hair was a mess.

"Oh fuck, next time yall decide to scream, wait till after I wake up." She left the room and closed my door.

We all busted out laughing. It wasn't the first time she ran in my room looking and acting like that. Sleepovers were the best time to get her like that. It was hilarious to everyone.

"Wow, I can't believe you guys are dating. That's crazy." Kelly said still smiling.

I knew my girls were really happy for me after all the crazy guys I was with. They were happy that Shawn was a normal guy they could trust, unlike the other boyfriends in the past. I had some issues with being alone so I never wanted to break up with someone. I been put through hell by guys, but never wanted to break up with them. I guess it was fear of never finding someone else. I was so young and naive. That's why I knew they were happy for me this time.

"Kelly, you are really iced out." I had to say it. Every time she would move and the sun would hit her, I went blind.

"Yeah I know." She just smiled and admired all the stuff she had on herself.

"Oh thank goodness we brought up something connected to my brother, Kelly I got something." Michelle went over to her backpack and pulled out a plastic bag. She handed it to Kelly and sat down.

"What is it?" Kelly looked at the outside of the bag instead of opening it right away.

"I don't know. He just gave it to me right before I left the house." Michelle left the room and I got up from the bed and walked to my bathroom to clean up. Kelly was left alone with her bag, which she still has not opened. Finally, I heard the bag opening.

"Oh my god!" She screamed and laughed at the same time. I ran into the room.

Michelle came busting through the door too. We looked at Kelly sitting on the bed laughing her ass off. I took the bag and looked inside.

"Oh my god." I started dying too.

Michelle looked at it and just shook her head. "Damn, you got him sprung."

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