Part 40

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My aunt decided to take care of Julius first, but she promised she would get me after him. While she was in there I could hear her screaming and saying all kinds of stuff. I guess he's smarter than me in some areas kuz he didn't say anything back. I sure as hell won't do that. I'ma scream right back like I always do. She has no right to be this mad at any of us really. Why tell me to watch out for him when you don't really want me to do it right. I couldn't just tell him to stay away from Jermaine kuz that wouldn't work. I needed to show him what to do. And I did show him. I showed him that we're family and we don't turn our backs to one other. She was talking shit about him, so I had to deal with her by myself. That's it. I didn't need anyone else to help me. I don't take bullshit from no one and he's gonna be the same way later on.

"Beyonce I can't figure out why in the hell you would get in a fight over nothing at all!"

I just kept quiet and sat in my chair not caring what my aunt had to tell me. She was wrong, but I wasn't gonna come out and tell her. She needed her moment for now to be an adult.

"It wasn't over nothing, she was disrespecting me and my family and she deserved it." She looked at me and sat down on my bed.

"So you had to hit her why?" See, I didn't do all that. I tackled her first!

"What was I supposed to do? I'm not gonna get pushed around."

My phone started ringing and I was about to get it but she took it off my table before I got it.

"Whoever it is can wait. Listen to me, I don't want you fighting no more." I rolled my eyes and nodded my head.

"Yeah.Okay." She threw my phone across the room and it hit the wall. I've never seen her this mad. Not even when I crashed my car into the tree outside one time.

"I sent you to school to learn Beyonce, not to go wild and fight people." I had enough of this.

"Last night you said look out for Julius and today you're saying don't? What the hell?" She got up and pulled me out of the chair.

"Did she do anything to Julius? I don't think so!"
I pulled myself out of her grip and went to pick my phone up.

"I get it now." I put the battery back in and turned it on.

"You want us to make sure no one looks at you funny. Sorry we're human."

I left her in my room and went into the bathroom to clean up and get away from her constant bullshit.
I turned the water on and let it turn ice cold before putting my arm in the sink. I put it into the sink and let all the blood wash off of me. Maybe me and Julius weren't made for this kind of lifestyle. Deep down inside, we'll always be different than the people that are around here.

"Beyonce open!" My aunt knocked on the door and I shut the water off. Should I open it for her?
I didn't really care what she had to say and I didn't want to fight her again. I might say some shit I'll regret later.  What the fuck. I opened the door and she handed me my car keys. I guess she knew I was right.

"What does this mean?" I put them in my pocket and she walked away quiet. I guess she's too holy to answer my damn question now. Whatever, I'm done with her. At least I get to leave now.

I finished cleaning up and went back to my room. I found Julius sitting on my bed.

"What?" He looked up and I saw blood on his face.

"I came to ask you a question." I walked closer to him and saw more blood on his arm and hands.

"What the hell happened to you? When?" He stood up and wiped his hands off his shirt.

"That's the thing I need your help with now." He held his arms out and I saw the cuts he had. This boy was cutting himself! I never knew his problems were this deep.

"Julius you can't be doing this to yourself. Does anyone else know?"

He shook his head no and I sat down in my chair. I couldn't believe he had so many secrets. Too bad I had to keep all of them!

"Nah and I need help. I can't stop this."

I took him by the hand and pulled him into my bathroom. I took a towel and put it in the sink to get wet.

"Don't tell."

I looked at him and his eyes were so painful. It's almost as if he was scared he would be rejected.
I guess he had too much of that in his life.

"You need to stop this Julius." He nodded and I put the towel on his right arm. He flinched a little but after a couple of seconds he got used to it.

I had him sit on the toilet while I got another towel for his left arm. I still couldn't believe he did this.
I hate to see people causing pain to themselves but I knew this was a sickness. If he was serious about stopping, then I'm gonna help him. I put the other towel on his arm and we both stood there. Nothing was said between us. Honestly, I had nothing to say. I was speechless at the moment.

"I gotta be somewhere so you think you can give me a ride real quick?" I looked at him and he wasn't making eye contact with me. Boy am I glad he's staying out of trouble.

"Where?" He shrugged his shoulders and I shook my head.

"How you know where I gotta drive you?" He looked up at me and took the towels off.

"Just tell me if you can or not." It's better I take him so I know where he is rather than him going out on his own.

"I'll take you. Get ready." He left my bathroom and I walked downstairs and to my car. I totally forgot someone called.

Finally when I was in my car and waiting for him, I looked at my phone screen. Why is it that when everything seems to be going wrong, more shit happens? This isn't my day, or month really.
Hell, it's just not my year. I was wondering to call the person back or not when Julius came.
He got in the car and started telling me where to go. I was so confused now. He led me to the ghetto and I was so afraid. I haven't seen this kind of shit in a while and I wasn't ready for it.

"Just stop here." I stopped the car and he took out a little baggie from his jacket pocket. "Well, I guess I'll see ya later. Don't wait up for me, I got business." He got out of the car and walked into an alley, leaving me alone.

I looked around and saw people staring at me. I pulled out my phone and dialed Shawn's number. As soon as he answered I cut him off.

"Shawn I need you to come get me. I'm so scared. Bring Kelly too."

I needed Kelly so she can drive my car. She wasn't as afraid of all this as me. I told him where I was and hung up. People were still outside and staring at me. Boy am I glad I care so much about my cousin. Shawn and Kelly showed up half an hour later and I jumped into Shawn's car. Kelly took mine and we drove to their house. When we got there, we all went up to Shawn's room and talked. I had to tell them about Julius starting to sell crack already. Yeah, I knew that's what it was. As soon as I saw the bag I knew he was selling. He found business fast though. I guess he asked the right people at school about where to sell it and who to get it from.

"He'll be fine, don't worry." I looked at Kelly and she was smiling.

"That's not his only problem. He cuts himself yall."
Both her and Shawn looked at me and didn't know what to say.

"Fuck! I knew it!" I looked at Shawn and he was walking around the room now.

"How did you know? He never showed us his arms." He looked at me and stopped walking.

"A drunk can always spot another right? It's the same." He walked out of the room and I just looked at Kelly. Did he really just say that?

"I guess we finally know why Shawn moved out here." I looked at Kelly and nodded my head.

"I guess so."

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