Part 4

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Homeroom is just full of idiots. We have the same homeroom as we did as Freshmen. Everyone in here knows each other. But I do see some new people.

For every grade level, there are two homerooms. It goes by your last name. A-M in one, and N-Z in another. Sadly, I wasn't with Michelle or Kelly. Hell not even with Roy. But that's okay. I'm over it.
I realized, I'm in the same homeroom as Shawn! Carter and Knowles. Bless my last name. Since it's only me and him, we decided to sit next to each other. Our homeroom is stupid. We have some of the weirdest people in here. I know them all but I was the closest to him.

How long have I been sitting here just not saying anything? I need to talk.

"So Shawn, you ready for football to start?" That's a nice start.

"Yeah, I get to see you in your cheerleading uniform."
Oh no, I feel my cheeks getting hot. I need to look away from him or something. But it's hard to.

"Shawn! This is why people always think we're a couple." He looks hurt now.

"I know." What chu mean you know? Nigga you need to say something more than that!

"And? Does it bother you?" Kuz I know damn well it doesn't bother me.

"No, at least they aren't putting me with someone ugly." Did he just call me pretty? I think he did. Well damn, I'm just speechless.

"Thanks, I think." I didn't want to sound cocky, so I added the I think part, smart aren't I? Yeah I know, pure genius.

"So what made you wear that nice little skirt today?" So he did notice! Thank goodness.

"I don't know. It looked hot outside. Why?" I'll take it off if you ask me to!

"All these boys around here and you looking the way you do, I might actually have to fight some of them."
And? I love when guys fight over me. At least I know I'm wanted. Shawn would look good fighting.

"Oh no need for that. I'll wear something better tomorrow." Except I won't.

"I'm gonna come over today after school and show you what you can and can't wear. We gonna have a good time."

Over? To my house? Wow, we haven't hung out at my place since the first day of summer. "You just gonna invite yourself over like that?" And there I go being stupid. Why do I have to make it sound like he's not welcome.

"Yes I am. Got a problem with it." Hell to tha naw I don't!

"I guess not. We're like best friends, you should come over more often anyways right?" What was I doing? I sound like a complete hoe now. Damn my mouth!

"Yeah, but you gotta promise to come to mine too, I can't be rude and be there all the time. Plus, I miss the old times." Old times. I remember those. Before I realized I was completely in love with this man.

"I guess we're just getting older." Just ask me out and we can fix it!

"I guess. Anyways, you cold? You seem to be shaking a little." Wow, he noticed and I didn't? I am sprung! But how? Just by looking at him? How can I be sprung off of his looks? That's bullshit. Isn't it?
I don't even want to think about that. But I am kinda cold now. Dang.

"I'm fine."  I tried to hide the fact that I was cold but it wouldn't work. Mr. Brown had the air conditioner or high. Stupid!

"Here, take my jacket." And here we go again with the jacket. It's not a normal jacket! It's his letterman jacket! Players only let their girlfriends wear them.

"Thanks. I'll give it back before we get out of class." Did I want to give it back? No! But I wasn't his, so I had no right to wear it.

"No, you can take if off when we get to your house. Don't worry about it." Not so easy.

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