Part 15

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There are so many people in the world who would never talk about their sexcapades. Me and my girls weren't like that. If someone hit it, and they hit it good, you talk about it! And best believe I'm gonna do it.

When Shawn told me I was gonna be sore, I didn't really pay that much attention to him. I mean, what guy doesn't say that these days? I'm being real. All of them say it, so how was I supposed to know that this nigga was that serious about it? I don't know what I'm gonna do. If it wasn't for the time, I don't know if he was ever gonna stop. Everyone should be coming. I'm gonna stay and say hi to his cousin and then go home. I need my rest after everything that happened. We were all over the house, it was just too much. We started on his bed and ended up on the pool table in his game room that's connected to his bedroom. I sure was sore. He didn't lie when he said I would be. Practice tomorrow is gonna be a bitch. God help me.

It's almost eight o'clock which means that his family should be getting here anytime now. We were both already dressed and just sitting on the couch resting. I was fighting to stay awake. My eyes were getting so droopy and I just wanted to fall asleep. Finally I heard the front door open. I got up and left his room and went downstairs. I met up with his whole family.

"Where is he?" His mom smiled so hard after she said that, it was hilarious. It's like she knew what we just did.

"Umm I left him upstairs." I couldn't look at her with a straight face. A smile would just appear on my face and it wouldn't go away until I looked somewhere else.

"Is he sleeping?" She winked at me. This woman is crazy! I can't believe this, she actually knows what just went down. Well, kinda. She doesn't know the details, and she won't ever know them, but she still knows about what we did.

"Uh oh, did little miss Beyonce wear my cousin out? Get em!" Brianna hugged me and we both just laughed.

"Excuse me, but that's just nasty. If you must know, we didn't do anything like that." Shawn said coming down the stairs and walking over to me.

"Exactly." I didn't want to disagree. I think we should just deny it.

"I wasn't born yesterday. Yall are grown, we know this, it's okay. Just make sure I don't get a grandchild till you go to college." His mom walked up to me and hugged me and walked upstairs. The three of us went to the living room and sat down like old times.

"So Brianna, how are the boys at home?" I wanted to get the attention off of us two, and it worked.

"Boys? Beyonce you know damn well my cousin doesn't want no boys yet. She's too young." He is in such denial. Brianna is two years older than us too! Crazy. Girls think about boys as soon as we hit age thirteen. Hell, maybe even twelve. 

"Excuse you, but she asked me." He looked so sad. She just shut his ass down. I wanted to laugh, but I didn't want to make him feel even more sad.

"Just shut up." He walked away and left us two alone. Now we can talk like we really want to.

"So Bri, tell me what's really up." She looked so happy all the sudden.

"Well, I'm engaged, but no one knows yet. I'm keeping the ring off while I'm here." I couldn't help but hug her. I was so happy now.

"So what's his name?" I couldn't wait to hear all about this guy.

"Jercell Barr. He's so perfect!" The smile on her face just wouldn't go away.

"He sounds perfect too. So do you think you're gonna tell anyone yet?" I don't think I can hold this secret in very long.

"Yeah, before I leave. Anyways, I know you're tired now after your long day, so I'll let you go and we can meet up tomorrow." I couldn't thank her enough for that! Finally, sleep for me!

"Sounds great. You up for shopping?" Like she could say no to shopping. Ha!

"Of course. You and the girls right?" When do I ever go places without them? It was very rare. 

"You betcha!" We both got up.

"Okay, well I'm going upstairs and I'll tell Shawn to come down. I'll see you tomorrow." We hugged each other and she left. I walked to the door and waited for Shawn to come down. 

"You're leaving me?" He looked sad. Whatever, my ass needs to go, I don't feel bad.

"Yes, so let's go." I think he forgot he had to drive me home.

"Oh yeah. Have you seen my keys?" Oh damn. Not again. He always looses his keys.

"No, damn Shawn. I need to get home, please go find them." I made sure not to sound nice. I was mad right now. I want to go home and I need to go home, but he's being retarded about it.

"Alright I'm going." He ran upstairs and I went out to his car. Finally he came out and we got in the car. I didn't want to even look at him. He tried to talk to me, but no. There was no way I would give in.

"I don't understand why you're mad at me." I knew he was looking at me, but whatever. I didn't want to look at him. My head was up against the window. I mean, maybe I was being stupid. It's not a big deal, but yet I'm still mad. What is wrong with me?

"Look, we'll talk about it later. I just want to get home." At that point, I wanted to break down and cry. I still don't know why though. He didn't even do anything to me. I have a problem with blowing things way out of proportion.

"Alright." Nothing was said during the rest of the ride to my house and I knew it was my fault too.

When we got there I got out the car and walked to the door. I was hoping he wouldn't follow me but he did. As soon as I put my key in the door he pulled me away from it.

"I said we would talk later." I got out of his grip and opened the door.

"Can you just tell me what's wrong? That's all I want." The sad look in his eyes hurt me because I knew it was there thanks to me and my stupid self.

"I don't even know. I don't know why I'm mad or what I'm mad about. Give me time." I put on a smile to reassure him that everything would be fine.

"Thank god."

We spent a good five minutes just kissing outside until I saw the lights turn on in the kitchen. My aunt must have been watching.

"I'll see you tomorrow." I turned to walk away but he stopped me again. It's getting kinda old now.

"You need a ride in the morning?"

For the first time in my life, I'm gonna say no to this offer. "No, I'm gonna take my own car." I hugged him and walked inside

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