Part 18

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School the next day was a real bitch. I could barely move around without feeling pain in my whole body.
I got through the first two periods okay, but when I got to third period it was just bad. When I sat down I felt the pain all through my body. I just wanted to sleep. We were doing a lab project with our groups today so that was good. That meant all I had to do was sit there while Shawn, Michelle, and Kelly did the work.

"Okay, that's 2.5" Shawn took the test tube out of the water and we all wrote the data in our lab notebook.

"Are we almost done you guys? I'm tired." I put my head down on the lab table and closed my eyes.

"You havent' even done anything! Damn."

Kelly threw a piece of the plant we were experimenting on at me and I dodged it. I wanted to retaliate. But I didn't. Lucky for me, Roy came in the class. I knew he would do something to her.

"Umm Mrs. Robinson, where you at?" He didn't even look over at us. I guess what he had to do was for his Anatomy teacher and it was important.

"Over here Mr. Williams. It's good to see you again. Are you enjoying Anatomy?" Roy nodded his head.

"I get to open up dead animals! It's so fun!" He handed Mrs. Robinson a paper.

"Good." Mrs. Robinson walked away to her desk with the paper and Roy walked with her. She signed the paper and handed it back to Roy, then walked away.

"Before I go, I gotta tell everyone something." Roy got up on a desk and looked at Mrs. Robinson for permission.

"Go ahead." She went back to helping a group out while Roy looked at us and smiled.

"I just want everyone to know tha Kelly has agreed to make me a father!"

He jumped down from the table and ran out the classroom. We just died. I couldn't even speak. I knew his ass would do something. And he sure did. All of us laughed, even Mrs. Robinson.

"I think we all know Mr. Williams is just playing like always. Keep working people."

We went back to our experiments. I still couldn't get over the fact that he would say that. He truly has something wrong with him.

"So any names?" Michelle looked at Kelly and laughed a little.

"Shut up Michelle! Damn I hate your brother!" Kelly walked away.

"That's not what I heard last night!" Kelly turned towards us and charged after Michelle.

"Shut up!"

Michelle started running in circles trying to get away from her. Finally Shawn stepped in and picked Kelly up.

"Can I take her outside?" He walked up to Mrs. Robinson and she nodded her head.

"Yes. Don't let her run away though." Shawn laughed.

"Okay." He carried Kelly all the way outside into the hall and let her down.

"I hate you."

She started walking down the hall and he was right behind her. When me and Michelle lost sight of them, we ran to the door and put our heads out.
We wanted to see what was happening.

"Where you going? You ain't allowed to leave!" She started running. We walked back in the class.

"Mrs. Robinson! She's running away!" I felt I needed to tell. I knew she was up to no good if she was running.

"Go help him then. I can't leave the class alone just kuz of her crazy ass." I can't believe she said ass.
Are teachers even familiar with that word? I guess this one is.

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