Part 56

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So school starts in a week and I have still not seen Shawn. It has been three days since I got back. I don't even know what to think anymore. Everyone is mostly visiting him all the time. I barely spent any time with Kelly or Michelle since I got back. I can't blame them though, it's my fault for avoiding people.  They asked me to go places, but I said I was too busy. I wasn't in the mood to hang out with people. I just felt like being with myself so I can figure out what to do with this situation fornow.
Today I was supposed to be going to the mall with Kelly, but I canceled that last night. I don't even know why I did it really. When I told her, I could tell she was dissapointed, but didn't want me to know. Yeah, I felt bad for her. I promised her and she was excited to finally get me out of the house. I'll make it up.  I got up from the couch and decided to do something about this. I grabbed my keys and ran outside into my car. It's time. I'm done feeling sorry for myself. I drove to Shawn's house and saw Kelly's car was still parked there. Thank god! I knocked on the door and Kelly answered.

"Oh, hey. What's up girl?" I hugged her and she started laughing. "I just asked what's up, I didn't tell you I loved you or anything. Calm down." I let her go and she closed the door behind me.

"I'm sorry for bailing on our plans. Don't be mad."
She shook her head and took my hand.

"I understand. Let's go see Shawn now."

She dragged me up to his room and slowly opened the door. He was laying in bed with his arm in a cast and his face bruised. I could tell it was painful. He had bandages all over.

"It's time for him to wake up and eat anyways."
Kelly walked over to the side of his bed and slowly woke him up.

"What time is it?" He looked at his clock and closed his eyes. "Damn Kelly, give me like five more minutes. I won't tell my mom or dad."

She opened his eyes and wouldn't allow him to close them.

"While I make your food, you can talk."
She pointed to me and he looked.

"You better be making me something good." She laughed and walked out of the room.

"So how are you?" He looked at me and smiled.

"I'm perfect, can't you tell B?" I laughed and walked over to him.

"Sorry for talking to you the way I did. Can we just start over?" He nodded and I leaned down to hug him. "I need some answers too Shawn." I pulled back and sat in his computer chair.

"My cousins said you went to some center kuz you used to cut yourself."

He looked like he just got hit with a ton of bricks.

"And they said you stabbed someone while there."
I saw tears form in his eyes for a quick second.
"So, what do you have to say?"

He took a deep breath and talked.

"His name was Corey Shawn Carter, but Shawn to everyone outside the family." I wasn't following, but I was really trying hard.

"He was the trouble maker out of the two brothers."
I thought I understood what he meant, but I still wasn't sure.

"I was the good kid." He wiped the tears from his eyes and kept looking at me. "He got caught cutting himself, and was sent to a teen clinic." He shook his head and smiled. "Everyone thought he was getting better, until he stabbed a boy."

He pointed to a drawer by me and I opened it. There were pictures all in it of him.

"He was sentenced to life in jail, and was treated as an adult. Four months after getting locked up, he killed himself."

That's when it hit me, all these pictures weren't Shawn.

"That's when we moved out here, to start over."

I looked through the pictures and saw Shawn standing side by side with his brother. They looked exactly alike. They were even dressed the same. It was cute, they looked like they really had love for each other.

"I didn't want to bring back the old memories, but I was gonna tell you. I just didn't know when."

I put the pictures back and closed the drawer.

"So he helped my cousins out?" He nodded and I smiled. "I'm greatful he did, but I'm also greatful that you told me the truth. It means a lot to me."

He smiled and Kelly came into the room.

"Okay, time to eat. I hope you like what I made Shawn." She set the food in front of him and he started eating.

"Oh my god I love you!" He blew her a kiss and she started laughing.

"Not when my wifey is in the room. Jeez Shawn, you're killing me." Kelly shook her head and grabbed my hand. "She'll be back when you finish eating. Goodbye." She pulled me out of the room and into hers.

"No one can be inside with him." She explained to me how he doesn't eat when someone else is in the room and how he finishes faster when he's alone.

"So did you guys talk? Kuz I can't have both of you being all sad and not knowing what to do." I nodded and she smiled.

"Good, now I don't have to choose between you guys." I laughed as she turned her computer on.

"So I haven't even started the Chemistry project, have you done it?" I shook my head and her phone started ringing.

"Ugh, Shawn is done eating I guess. Let's go." She didn't even bother looking at her phone, I guess they are really getting close now. They know when the other one is calling. How amazing. We walked into Shawn's room and he was sitting up smiling.

"Hello slave. Do you have some pudding kuz I really want some." Kelly didn't look happy at all.

"I'll show you slave." She took the remote for his t.v. and he started screaming loud.

"Mom! She stole my remote!" I guess he didn't know they were alone.

"No one is here! What cha gonna do?" She started dancing around with the remote and he looked at me. I couldn't say no to him now. He looked so cute. I snatched the remote from Kelly and she looked at me.

"Hoe." She walked out of the room and I handed Shawn the remote.

"Thank you. I'll buy you something." Damn right he will. I flashed my hand in his face and he grabbed it. M

"Which finger?" I started moving my ring finger.

"Oh alright, I can get a ring for that, no problem. What color diamond though?" God how I wish we weren't just playing around.

"Purple!" He laughed and I started walking out.

"I'll do it." I hope he does.

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