Part 68

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So school is slowly coming to an end. We only have about a month and we're done. June 24th will make me happy. As soon as we get out, we're going to the spot I took Michelle and Kelly when Julius was leaving. It's a special place I found when I first started high school and I needed to get away from all of my problems before I went insane. It's not somewhere I could go everyday though. See the thing is, I have to sneak into the place and just stay silent. I'm not gonna go and reveal my spot or anything yet, sometimes you just gotta keep stuff private. This is my private thing. I don't like to talk about it. So did I mention that school is ending and I'ma be a senior finally? I'm so ready! Just the thought of it makes me smile. As soon as Senior Year comes, my life begins. I'm gonna be free to live life! No more being bossed around by people, no more trouble. And after that, it's time for college! Yay!

College is my dream. I really wanna go to an out of state college and this year I've been working hard on my grades so I can get in. As much as we've been talking about it as something great, all of us girls are afraid to lose our friendship and love. I think that's what everyone goes through. When you're a Junior, college is just a way to freedom. When you're a Senior, college means the end of one life, and the beginning of a new one. One that you're starting by yourself now. If I do go out of state, I won't have someone there that has helped me since I was little. It's something scary for me. As long as I have one person, I'll be fine I think. Kelly wants to stay in Texas though, which sucks. Michelle says she might go to Bard University in New York, but that's for like kids with a 4.2 GPA, and that's gonna be impossible. As far as I'm concerned, I have no idea where I'ma go. Stay home or go somewhere and venture out alone? No clue. There's time. A whole summer and then half a school year before I have to start applying to schools. I can make my mind up like six times before the deadline runs out. Shawn said he doesn't know where he's going, but he's lying. I can tell. From my point of view, he's considering going somewhere he knows I'm not so he doesn't wanna tell me. Whatever, we can handle that later. I don't want to be dissapointed now anyways, it's too early for it. I'll be depressed when it really matters.

"Beyonce, you're wanted in the office." I looked up from my work and looked over at Kelly.

"Shit!" I got up from my seat and walked to the front. "Can I just like pay some fine and get it over with? Please!" I heard Kelly laugh and I looked at her. "Shut up! This is half your fault, you should be here too!"

She turned her head the other way and I knew she was still laughing. It wasn't worth fighting over, so I took my slip and left the class. Let me explain something, when you fight some bitch, make sure it's worth it. Like I did. That shit felt good for me.
Too bad that hoe had to squeal on me. As soon as I walked into the office, I saw my aunt get up mad.
Shit! They had to call her? They could have called my uncle, that would have been easier on me.

"Beyonce Knowles, not a word!" She grabbed me by my backpack and dragged me out of the office. Way to make a scene.

"I can explain though!"

She unlocked the car and we got in. "Tell me, was your life in danger in any way by that girl?" I shook my head and she started up the car.

"Then you can't explain. There was no good reason to do what you did. Right?." I nodded my head and she took off quickly. "Now I gotta get you from work and everything. Think next time!"

I was about to say something, but she held up her hand. "Don't talk right now, just listen. Got it?" I didn't do anything, I just sat there in silence.

"Answer me!" I looked around thinking she was on some kind of drugs and shit. Answer her or not? Damn she needs to make up her mind.

"I understand and I'm sorry. That's all I can say."
She looked at me and just shook her head.

"I wish you would understand, just once, understand." The look in her eyes made it look like she was about to start crying.

"Auntie what's wrong?"

She just shook her head some more. "Nothing, just forget it. If you say you understand, then you understand. Just make sure you control it."

I wanted to ask her more questions, but I somehow knew she was protecting me from the truth now.

"I will, I promise."

She nodded and we pulled up to the house. "Go inside, do your homework and clean your room right away."

I nodded and got out of the car. "Don't think you won't get punished though, I'm going to think about it all day."

I lowered my head and started walking to the door. When I thought it couldn't get worst, it actually did.
My phone started ringing and it was Michael.


I heard him talking to someone on the other end.
"Nah, we gonna get her!"

I tried saying hello over and over again, but he didn't respond. He must have called me by accident. I just kept listening.

"Nigga fuck her boyfriend, this is about her. Beyonce and Kelly both dissed me, she won't."
What the fuck is he talking about? "So we're getting her today after school?" Shit who is her? "Yup, poor little Michelle!"

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