Part 10

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After my whole shopping orgasm, I was finally calm enough to put something other than gum in my mouth. Shawn and I sat down at the food court and both decided on a slice of pizza. He had all this crap on his and I had regular cheese. I swear I caught some of his olives looking at me and winking once in a while. That shit ain't normal. I was emptying out my pockets so I can throw the trash away, and I found Kelly's note.

I totally forgot about it. I opened it up and was expecting to see a thoughtful apology. But that was nowhere to be found in the letter. All it said was that Tiffany's was having a majoy sale and there was a huge happy face. The happy face looked kinda weird to me. The eyes were all cocked and shit. I would have thrown it back at him. Until he learns to draw, no more pictures! That needs to be the new rule for every guy. Don't try and flatter a bitch by drawing her a picture if you know that your little brother or sister could spit something up that looks better.

"Okay your little day dreams need to stop. They are just creepy." Shawn pulled out of my seat and I lost my balance. The next thing I knew, I was wrapped in his arms.

"Why the hell did you do that for?" He scared me so bad just pulling me like he did, that wasn't funny at all.

"I'm sorry. You ready to go?" No, I'm ready to have your baby. Okay I really need to stop with the baby talk. First I gotta worry about us finishing school and then our wedding. I'll think about the baby after I become Beyonce Carter.

"Whatever." I walked away. I was still mad at him for pulling me. You don't do that shit to a girl. He could have just been polite and called my name or something. Not pull me and cause me to twist my ankle. This shit hurts too. It feels like something might actually be broken. I don't want to cry but it hurts so bad. There was nothing I could do to control it. I started crying but refused to let Shawn see so I made sure to start walking faster. It was no use, of course he caught up to me.

"Hold up, you really mad about what happened? I didn't think it was that serious." I looked at him while crying. It's not that I was mad about it, it's just that my ankle hurts and I think it's broken.
I've broken my ankle before and I can't risk that again. I was almost on the verge of getting off the cheerleading team kuz of it. I don't want this to be some stupid mistake that turns into a huge disaster.

"Shawn, my ankle hurts real bad."
I was hoping that's all it was, just some pain. Nothing more.

"Shit. Let's go then." He lifted me up and carried me out to his car. He opened the passangers seat door and sat me down in it gently.

"I'm scared." I really didn't want this to be happening right now. This day was going so great, why must it be ruined by this?

"I'm so sorry Beyonce. I know it's my fault." He looked both hurt and concerned.

"I'm not gonna blame it on you, there's no point in that. I know you're sorry." I tried to help him feel better so he can make me feel better.

"Do you want me to take you to the hospital?" He took my shoe off and moved my foot up and down slowly.

"No, I can still move it, which means it's definetally not broken. It's just a sprain." I knew it wasn't broken at this point, but it still hurt. If I wanted to walk on it tomorrow, I knew I had to get home and get some ice for it.

"Okay, come on. Let me put you in the back seat so you can put your feet up." He helped me out the car.
I got in the back seat and laid down. We left and headed towards my house.

I was silent the whole ride there because I was praying non stop. I needed to cheerlead, it's what I was born to do and I need to do it! When we pulled into my garage Shawn helped me out of the car and carried me inside and to my bed.

"I'ma go get some ice." He left the room without even looking at me. Damn. I guess he was really feeling bad about what happened. When he came with the ice he gently put it against my ankle and I screamed.
The pain and the coldness mixed together was not a good combination. "I'm sorry, did I hurt you again?"
He took the ice off and looked at me.

"No, it's gotta hurt." He put the ice again.

"Can you move your foot?" I moved it and he smiled.

"Thank god it's not broken. I would kill my own self if it was." We both laughed.

"So? I guess you really have to think about Friday now huh?" He asked in a low tone.

"Why would I?" It's not like he intended for this to happen to me.

"Really? You still wanna do it?" His smile just took all my pain away.

"Of course. My ankle should be better in the next couple of hours. Plus, I wouldn't pass that up." Damn, did I have to tell him the passing it up part? I think I just made it clear that I was in love with him.

"Good. I guess you knew I was talking about you earlier today on the bench huh?"

That had completely been erased from my memory until he brought it back up. I knew he was talking about me! Damn, I'm good at this. I should be a psychic. I could make a lot of money. Call Ms. Cleonce NOW! Haha I was really stupid.

"No, actually I didn't. But I'm glad you told me."

Now it was time to pick out a dress. Do I want an all white wedding? Or should I add some color to make it fun. Oh there was so much planning to do and so little time. I mean, he's gonna propose in a couple of years so I gotta start with all the plans now before it's too late. I hate to do things like this last minute. What if I forget who I want on my guest list? Gosh, weddings are so hard. Especially it you're a seventeen year old still in High School. Woah boy. That seems tricky.

"Question." Mark?

"Do you wanna ask me and question or what? Kuz I'm confused." He just laughed at me lightly.

"Yeah, I got a question." It would have been easier for him to say that in the fist place.

"Okay. Go ahead." I hope this isn't gonna be a hard question. L

"The guy you were talking about, any chance his name is Shawn Carter?" I didn't want to lie to him. I needed to just tell him the truth. He went ahead and told me the truth earlier.

I think he deserves to hear the truth from me. Especially if Friday is gonna happen.
I sat up in my bed and fixed the ice on my foot. I took his hand and looked up at him.

"Sorry, but no, his name is not Shawn Carter."

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