Part 59

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I feel like a kid in the candy store right now! It's officially Valentines Day and I couldn't be happier.
I have a date tonight with a very important person and I gotta look my best for him. My hair better be nice to me and let me do whatever I have to kuz I don't need to be looking tore up from the floor up.
It likes to mess around with me some days and not let me do what I gotta do. Not tonight though. It's gonna be nice to me and we're gonna get along great or I will have to go crazy. No one likes me when I'm crazy. So I have about three hours until Shawn comes to pick me up and I'm going insane.
I don't think it's enough for me. I need to take a shower, get dressed, do my hair, and eat a little.
I like to eat at home no matter what just because I feel more comfortable that way. No one can judge me based on how much I eat or don't eat. I don't think I'll be eating a lot though. Shawn feels right.
He doesn't say antyhing about eating when we're out. He only makes fun of himself. It's fine for me.
He makes me feel comfortable.

"Beyonce, Shawn is on the phone! Get it now!"

I got up from the couch and walked over to the stairs. Julius was coming down with my phone.

"Thank you brother." He nodded and walked back up.

"Hello!" I heard Shawn laughing.

"Why you so damn happy girl?" I shrugged my shoulders and expected him to know what I did. How stupid of me. "Are you there?" I started laughing and he just stayed quiet.

"My bad, I'm here. So what's up? Bailing on me?"
I sat back down on the couch and grabbed my bag of chips from the table.

"No, just checkin on you." I looked at myself and knew what was coming next.

"Well, I'm doing just fine." I knew he would know I'm lying.

"Are you dressed Beyonce? Better yet, are you clean? I don't like dirty people." I laughed and heard him blow out a long breath. That meant he wasn't kidding.

"I'm really almost done." I really deserve some kind of award for being able to lie so much in one lifetime.

"Shut up kuz I know you're not. Julius told me you were laying your fat ass on the couch doing nothing at all." See, he didn't have to say all that.

"Why you call me fat? I'm not even close to being fat. You're fat." He started laughing and I just stayed quiet.

"Julius said that, not me. Damn." I just smacked my lips and he stopped. "Okay so just make sure you're ready in an hour kuz I don't wanna wait."

Excuse me, I just had three more hours. He's tripping.

"It's only five. I thought the thing was at nine." I know damn well my clock isn't wrong kuz I've checked three of them over time.

"Okay but we're leaving your house at six so we can go with Kelly and Roy to this party and then go solo later."

Ugh! He knows damn well he didn't tell me anything about this party.

"Fine, see you later then. Bye." I hung up before he said anything else and ran upstairs.

Now he was rushing me. An hour to do everything? And I have to look perfect too! This was gonna be some kind of miracle shit for me to pull off. I'm actually kind of mad at him kuz he really didn't tell me about this party. And he should have told me. He knows I need a while to get ready and yet he waits till last minute to announce it. Well if we're late to anything tonight, it's gonna be his fault. I'm not about to rush for someone who I'm angry at right now. Excuse me but that's crazy. And why am I doing something with Kelly on Valentines Day? That's stupid. It's not Best Friends Day. I don't want to have Kelly's child, I want to have Shawn's.
What is this world coming to when you're spending the one day made for love with your best friend? Is that weird though? Like it's about showing a person you love them, but is it only for showing your boyfriend or girlfriend love? I mean, I love more than just Shawn. And I don't feel bad for saying I love Kelly more. I don't know why but if I had to choose between Kelly or Shawn, Shawn would have to go. Kelly is my sister and he isn't. He's just my boyfriend for the moment. I don't know what will happen between us, but I know with Kelly. I will always have her. Maybe I should be spending the day that represents love with her. She is my heart. She is me. It's a different love that I have for her, but it's also a stronger one. Whatever, it's all love to me. That's all that matters.

I stepped out of the shower and put my clothes on. I needed half an hour more. My hair needed Jesus at the moment and I could only supply Moses. This sucks man. I'm seriously mad now and he's gonna know about it.

"Beyonce! Shawn is at the door! You better hurry up woman."

Julius was on a mission to get me out of the house as soon as possible kuz Chanel was coming over. My aunt and uncle were long gone. They wanted the whole day together. It's sick really. I know they aren't just sitting around somewhere. Ugh I don't wanna think about it. So yeah, Julius gets the house tonight. Chanel is gonna pop out a little youngin in nine months if they aren't careful. Let's hope she's smart.

I finished up and headed down to meet them at the door.

"Alright Julius, good night."

I walked out the door without even saying anything to Shawn. His car was unlocked so I hopped right on in. Fuck him now. I'm not gonna be nice. I don't care. He finally walked his slow ass over to the car and got in looking at me.

"Yes?" He shook his head and turned the car on.

"Here we go with the fight. So what?" I looked at him as he drove.

"You waited till last minute to tell me, that's what. I hated being rushed and I hate you."

I could tell that his facial expression changed even though he wasn't looking at me. Damn I want to rewind. Go back to before I said I hated him. He really doesn't like that word at all. Shit here it goes.

"I didn't mean I hated you. It just came out before I even though of what I was saying. Are you mad at me now?" He just kept looking straight ahead. Fuck! This night is starting out really bad. "Shawn, just answer me." He looked at me and stopped at a red light.

"No." He went back to looking at the road.
It ain't like it's going somewhere. Jeez.

"I really didn't mean it and you know that. Let's just forget it and move on." The light turned green and he took off.

"Yeah." He looked at me and gave me a weak smile. Bad actor. Anyone can see he's still angry.

"I love you." Let's see how mad he really is right now.

"You too." What? Oh no, he's never said that before. No matter what, he always said 'I love you' back.

"Alright then."

So my night is gonna consist of Shawn acting like a little girl because I told him I hated him. Okay.
He needs to get rid of this damn tantrum he's throwing and just get over it. He's a girl. Only girls would be mad about something so little. Here we go with me wanting to end this relationship again. Damn him.

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