Part 63

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If there's anything I like to do more than sleep, it's to eat. Going out to eat is the best thing for me to do. I love to eat pizza from a restaurant that knows me very well. Been going there since forever.
As soon as I tried their pizza, I made a vow to keep coming back until they kick me out one day for eating up everything. George, the owner, calls me his life support kuz I'm supposedly the only thing keeping them open now. I know he's lying, I think. If it's true, it's kinda sad kuz I seem like I'm addicted to food then. It's kinda not a lie though. I know I'm addicted, I just don't want other people knowing. But I can't seem to hide that fact.

Every time I'm out with people, they are always asking me if I'm hungry every two seconds. Psh, whatever. At least I know I'm never gonna be like those super skinny people that can't eat anything. God forbit I gain an ounce. Oh no! What am I gonna do if I start to fit in a size 0? That's too fat, I'm never gonna be pretty. Blah blah blah. Shut the hell up. What is wrong with people these days and not eating? Well, young ones. All the young girls today at school are rarely seen with food in their hands or around them. They are positive, the food is negative, and that's why they don't mix. Me on the other hand, I will never give it up for nothing.
On my wedding day, if I can't fit into my dress, I will just buy a big tablecloth and wrap it around myself.
Don't try to strip me from my heavenly snacks, you will get socked homie! Get laid out fool! Damn I am crazy.

"Beyonce do you see this? This bitch is crazy!"

Didn't I just finish saying I was crazy? Listen to me!
Jeez, they're acting like I'm not even here.

"Can you believe she fit her whole damn fist in her mouth?" I looked over at Kelly and shook my head.

"Well, she said she did it before, so yeah." Kelly slapped me across the arm and I screamed.

"Don't make me sound so damn stupid! I thought it was a joke!" I just laughed as she took out ten dollars and handed it to Michelle.

"Well, I'm glad we did business." Michelle laughed and put the money in her pocket. "You should listen to me next time."

Kelly was about to throw the remote at her but I grabbed her hand before she could fling it.

"Okay yall, kiss and make up." Kelly looked at me, and Michelle just laughed.

"Oh who's kissing? I wanna be on the action too, shit." Roy walked in smiling and we all looked at him. "Don't let me ruin the party, keep going." He sat down on the couch and we all walked out of the room. "Where are you guys going? Come back! Now damn it!"

Kelly picked up a shoe by the door and threw it at him. We made sure to run before it hit him in the head. Halfway up the stairs though, we heard him scream. Bullseye baby! That's what he gets now.
He came in the livingroom acting like he was our boss by telling us to come back. Shit, we demand respect from people. He's crazy if he thinks we would have responded to his shit.

"Hey yall, let's go see a movie later today." I sat down on Michelle's bed and Kelly sat next to me.

"Oh yeah, I wanna do that too. You?" We both looked at Michelle and she sat down in a chair.

"Sure. Are we going to go pay Jacob a visit? I miss him."

I shot her a look and she just laughed. "That was funny and you know it." I looked at Kelly who was dying.

"I hate both of you. Hopefully tonight, he will try to talk to you two guys instead of me."

Michelle threw her mouse pad at me and I dodged it. "Don't try to ruin my life because of your little stalker problems."

Kelly nodded her head and pushed me. "I agree with that cheating and lying bad bet making hoochie."

Me and Michelle busted out laughing.

"Don't make me kick your ass out of my house now!"

Kelly was about to say something again, but she put her hand over her mouth. "Nevermind, I don't wanna leave now."

She smiled and Michelle shook her head. "I should have stopped my brother from ever talking to you."

Kelly stuck up her middle finger and got up from the bed. "I'ma go see big head right now." She left the room and I looked over at Michelle.

"If I hear noises coming from his room, I'm killing her as soon as I can."

I nodded and she turned on the t.v.

"So, I decided that I might want to graduate from school kinda early."

I looked at Michelle and she looked serious. "Why? You'll never experience being a senior."

She shrugged her shoulders. "I don't really care for that stuff anyways. You know I really don't wanna walk the stage."

My eyes popped open and I looked at her. Everyone wants to walk the stage. That's what graduation is all about. Just to walk the stage, that's what every senior waits for.

"How come you don't wanna walk it?"

She looked at me and I saw this was actually more serious to her than she let's people to believe. Something was wrong now.

"When I was little, all my mother talked about was how she wanted me to graduate and walk the stage." She looked up at the ceiling and laughed a little. "And then she just left one day, and that was it." She put her head down and kept talking. 'If I walk it, that would be like I'm making her proud. Why would I do that?"

I nodded. "I understand that all too well. But I changed my mind when I realized, it's more for me now."

It was true, all my mother talked about was wanting to see me do something with my life in college.
Although she wasn't around much, she still made sure to tell me that I needed to walk the stage so she can show me off to people. She never said to make her proud, just to show me off.

"It still hurts thinking about the day she left, you know?"

I went over to Michelle and sat in her lap. "We're stuck living with their mistakes, but guess what?"
She looked at me and I smiled. "We can avoid being the mistakes." And I know both of us will do whatever just to avoid that.

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