Part 26

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Don't get me wrong, I love God and everything assosiated with him. Christianity is the best thing to happen to some people. But, if people think he wanted us to wake up at 7 on Sundays, they must be crazy. He's normal like us, so he likes to sleep in on weekends too. I'm sure he would hate to have to drag himself to Church so damn early in the morning just to sit and listen to a long speech.
And it's always about the same thing. How we're not applying ourselves as humans. How we're not loving our brothers and sisters the way we should.
Once you've heard one, you've heard them all. So my question and main point here is, why do I have to wake up so damn early? I wake up at seven, get ready, get out the house and go to Church just to sleep agian. Yes that's right, to sleep again. I said it, and I don't care that I did.

Every Sunday I take my ass to church just so I can eat for free and sleep. All teenagers do! And don't get me started on the hats. Some women wear hats the size of Texas on their damn head. Are they really needed? What are they trying to tell us with these hats? They like shade? Well hell, one person can wear a hat and shade the rest of the church members. I mean honestly, those things are too big at times. What is it about big hats and church? Why do they go hand in hand? I don't understand! There is no connection! Don't tell me God doesn't like the sun. He's in heaven, it's bright up there. He doesn't want you protecting yourself from the sun. The sun represents the light in heaven. Why are these old people trying to shield themselves from it? They need to stop with that.
Let's face it, they aren't getting any younger anytime soon right? So why aren't they sucking up to God? Setting themselves up for Hell or what? I think that's it. They know their damned already.

"Beyonce!" I snapped out of my trance and looked around.

"Coming auntie Jackie!" I ran over to her and my uncle and got in the car with them.

"I can't believe you were sleeping today again." My aunt reached back from the front seat and smacked me across my legs.

"Ow! Damn I learned it from your husband!" She looked at my uncle and hit him too.

"Beyonce! It was a secret!" He looked at me and I laughed.

"All you had to do was deny it!" I stuck my tounge out at him and put my feet up.

"Better take off your shoes before you do that!" I took them off and laid down completely.

"There. Dang I have so much to do today!" I started breathing in and out trying to clear my mind out. I had to get my hair done today, get my nails done, buy a new outfit, wash my car, and chill with my people. Busy busy Beyonce.

"What could you possibly have to do? Buy a new pack of crayons?" Haha, he's so dead. I hate when he makes fun of me like I'm still in first grade. This is why I never share stuff with him! He knows he's wrong for everything he says, but he still does it. Gosh, he's just horrible.

"Leave her alone. So what do you have to do today baby?" My aunt turned and looked at me.

"Just regular stuff. Oh man I forgot I have a game tomorrow!" Damn damn damn. Just when I thought tomorrow was gonna be a simple day. I'm not even feeling good, but I still have to cheer.

"Well we're gonna be leaving tonight so you better come straight home tomorrow." He looked serious.
In his mind, my uncle was basically screaming out NO SHAWN. But it's okay, I know he wouldn't think I was actually gonna follow the rules he set or anything else. He knew me better than that.

"Yeah, okay." I laughed and so did my aunt.

"Nah Jackie don't laugh. This ain't funny. She's a demon!" He put his hand up and rolled his eyes at me. Damn, if he crashes. Since I got my car I haven't crashed once. Watch him crash today kuz he's too damn focused on me and everything else around him.

"Just remember, nothing happens without a condom." Not only did I start choking, my uncle did as well.

"Hold up, NOTHING HAPPENS PERIOD!" He looked at my aunt then me.

"I didn't say anything would." I threw my hands up in the air and he went back to looking at my aunt.

"She's still a virgin so be quiet." My aunt looked back at me and raised her eyebrows.

"Okay, only kuz she's still young and pure." Okay so I started smiling and so did she. We were so damn obvious.

"Thank god we're home!" I grabbed my shoes and put them back on and couldn't wait to get out of the damn car.

"Yeah, lucky you." My aunt looked at me like she was trying to say she was gonna tell my uncle the truth tonight. I know he's gonna flip out and Shawn is gonna suffer for all of that. Whatever, if he loves me then he won't complain about suffering.

When the car was finally parked I jumped out and ran right to my room. I took off my church outfit and threw on one of Shawn's big shirts and laid in my bed in peace. No one around me to interfere with my happy time. This was good. Almost too good. I knew there had to be something wrong.

"Beyonce! Door!" And damn it, there it is!

"Coming!" I got out and changed. Well sorta, I just put on some shorts. It's not like you could tell. The shirt was a little too big. I walked downstairs and saw Kelly at the front door. She looked mad.

"What's wrong now?" She looked at me and then at my aunt who was standing at the door.

"Don't look at me. I ain't going nowhere!" I shook my head and grabbed Kelly by the hand. We got in my room and she sat down.

"So what's up?" I started cleaning for some reason. Stress reliever. Or I'm just crazy.

"Nothing major. I just wanted to have a stress free Sunday so I left my house. Ready for the game tomorrow?" I picked up some socks and threw them in my closet.

"Of course not. I'm so nervous." She got up and started helping me clean.

"Nervous? You? Okay." I threw a shirt at her and it hit her right in the face.

"That's what you get! Why can't I be nervous?" She just looked at me and laughed.

"Beyonce, it's you. You're never nervous. You're super girl." Oh how I wish I really was.

"Kelly I'm a normal high school girl, trust me, I get nervous!" Stupid! I'm tired of people thinking I'm not like the rest of the teenagers in this world.

"I know, but I feel like if I admit it to myself, then I'm screwed." Okay so this girl makes no sense, EVER!

"What the hell are you talking about Kelly?" She started huffing and puffing like I was asking too much from her.

"If I admit to myself that you can be nervous and you can break down, I won't be able to stand on my own two feet. I need you to help me." I guess I kinda understood, but at the same time, I was scared about understanding. She basically told me that if I fall apart, she falls apart. That's bad.

"I get it. It's okay though, as long as we're always together, we can fall apart as much as possible." I smiled at her and she didn't return it.

"Yeah, too bad we won't be together for much longer huh?" Right then and there it hit me. This whole time I was worried about what I was gonna do without her. I never stopped to think she was worried about what she was gonna do without me.

"We're gonna be fine." Even I didn't believe my own words.

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