Part 34

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Okay so last week was boring and nothing really happened. But I knew today was gonna start off great. It's Sunday! There's nothing better than Sunday mornings because of breakfast. It's a tradition in my house to have blueberry pancakes with bacon every Sunday.My aunt and uncle were finally back home. My aunt was the only one who actually could cook and make it taste like real food instead of doggy treats. I don't know how we would survive without her. My uncle can make toast and that's it. Hey that's more than me. I burn toast so I can't really make fun of him. If anyone wants cereal though, I'm there to make it right. No one can mess up cereal, and that's why I take pride in doing it right. It means I'm a smart regular person.

Anyways, my aunt and uncle came back Friday night and it's been fun since then for me. They bought me a bunch of stuff and I was the happiest child ever. Sometimes I can't thank them enough for taking me in their home. They really didn't have to, but they did. My uncle always says they are the fortunate ones in this situation. Personally, I don't like to brag or nothing but I think he's right. Who wouldn't be fortunate? I mean, they got me. Hello! You couldn't ask for a better daughter. Yes I think of myself as their daughter and I always will think that.
They raised me, fed me, put clothes on my back, and most importantly they loved me. They are my parents. I don't need a scientific evaluation or anything like that to call them my parents. I need them. And they've constantly been here.

"Beyonce! Kelly is eating all your pancakes!" I ran out of my bathroom and downstairs to the kitchen.
Kelly and Michelle were sitting in their chairs, yes they have their own chairs here, and eating away without me. Rude ass people! I know they have their own homes!

"Rude ass hoochies. Back up some!" I sat down in my chair next to Michelle and she handed me the syrup without even lifting her head up.

"Where's my bacon auntie?" She turned around from the stove and looked at my plate.

"You had a full plate. Ask one of my other children."
I looked at Michelle and she barely had any on her plate so I knew she didn't take them. She can't eat that fast. I looked at Kelly's plate and she had a mountain of bacon.

"Give me my bacon!" I took my bacon and she growled.

"That wasn't your bacon. I had more than all of you kuz auntie Jackie loves me. Uncle Rob took your bacon." I dropped the bacon back on Kelly's plate and looked across the table at my uncle's plate.

"Auntie Jackie! He stole my bacon!" She came over to the table and gave me more bacon and he just laughed at me.

"Watch it Rob." She waved her spatula in his face and he stopped laughing right away. Well, until she walked far enough. As soon as she was back at the stove, he started laughing again.

"Where we going later?" I looked at my aunt and started laughing, until I found out she was serious about doing something with us today.

"I don't know. Ask them." I pointed to Kelly and Michelle and both looked up.

"Well I wanna get my hair done, anyone else wanna go?" I shook my head no and so did Michelle.

"Well I wanna get mine done too. So let's go please!" I looked at my aunt and rolled my eyes.

"But I don't want to get mine done! I don't want to sit for three hours just waiting for you two." My uncle started laughing at me again and I threw a piece of bacon at him.

"Next it's gonna be my shoe!" My aunt took hers off and waved it in the air. He picked up his plate and walked out the kitchen.

"Anyways, why don't you two just get your hair done as well? Don't yall got boyfriends now, you can't be all nappy headed and shit." I started laughing at her and she waved her shoe at me now.

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