Part 9

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The ride to the mall was one of the best I have ever had in my whole life. Shawn almost killed us with his driving but whatever. The important thing is that we mde it to the mall in one piece and now I can really start my shopping. Freedom!

I really wanted some new shoes, so Foot Locker is definetally my first stop. When we walked in we split up. I went to my section. Ladies section was cool and all but it really didn't have the kind of shoes I wanted. I just wanted some plain Adidas. They only had some fancy ones on the womens side of the store. Damn.

I went to the guys section and saw the shoes I wanted.

"Umm excuse me, but your ass is supposed to be on the left side of the store." Shawn already had three shoes in his hands.

"Shut up. I want the white Adidas but they ain't got none over there." Ugh.

"So? That don't mean you can come to my side." Hell no. I'ma whoop his ass when we get back in the car.

"Just try on your damn shoes and don't talk to me." I grabbed the shoes.

"Where you going?" He was still picking out shoes. He's just like Kelly. Their lives revolve around shoes. It's really scary at times.

"I'm going to ask for them in my size. And I told you to not talk to me." I walked to a employee and asked them for my size. I had to wait for them to come back out with the shoes so I had to sit. Shawn better not try to talk to me while I'm sitting in peace.

"Why you go to the cutest guy to ask for your shoes? Just acting like you don't see me here with you. That's fucked up."

I don't even know what he was talking about. I didn't even know who I asked. I wasn't concerned about nobody's looks so why is he?

"I don't know what you're talking about." He really looked mad but hurt at the same time.

"Umm here are your shoes." The guy brought me the box and I looked at his face. I guess he was okay.
Nothing to drool over. I mean, he had nice eyes. But no. He's not my type. And he looked like he was really full of himself. He had this smile that wasn't even cute. It was scary.

"Thank you." I thought he would leave but he just stood there.

"Meet you outside." Shawn walked out of the store and I looked at the guy.

"Umm I'm fine right now. You really don't have to wait." Kuz you're scaring me! Go away!

"It's okay. I don't mind waiting." Well I mind you waiting!

"I know they'll fit. I'll take them." No point in taking up time. I wanted to get away from him. Plus I knew they would fit. I just bought shoes a couple of days ago and they were the same size.

"I'll ring you up." He smiled and took the box. I followed him to the register and I paid for my shit and got the hell up out of there.

When I walked outside I saw Shawn leaning against the rail.

"You ready?" He asked.

"Yeah. Come on, let's go buy some girly stuff." I took his hand knowing it would help him. He wouldn't be as upset at me.

"Can I wait outside?" Should I let him get his way?

"Be a good fake boyfriend and come with me please!"
Plus I want you to pay for my shit.

"Fine. You better make this up to me." Well my bed isn't made yet so okay!

"How?" The bed thing would have been better to say.

"Go out with me." Hmmm.

"We're already out. Something else." It better be good too.

"No, not like this. I mean really go out with me. On a date." I stopped dead in my tracks. I couldn't move at all. On a date? With Shawn? As much as I want to say yes I think it would be weird.

"I don't know Shawn, I mean, won't it be kinda weird?" I didn't want to hurt his feelings but I also didn't want to mess up our friendship.

"We won't know unless we do it." He was looking at me like he was ready to drop down to his knees and beg. Maybe I should just let him beg. That will be kinda funny.

"Okay. When?" I can't believe I was agreeing to this.

"Friday night." Oh boy. This is really happening now isn't it?

"Okay. Friday night, me and you are going out on a date." Ooof. Bless me. It felt so weird to say that. But I mean, it feels right too.

"Okay. So let's go continue your shopping escapade."

Does he really think I cared about shopping now? Hell no. I wish it was Friday night right now. Fuck the damn shopping. I'm going out. Not just with anyone. But with Shawn. I wonder what he's like. I mean, I only see the goofy friend side of him. What if he acts different on a date? I don't think I want him to be different.

I had to get my mind back on what I was doing. I needed to hurry up and shop. As soon as I got that back in my mind, I was ready to go. I think I bought out half of the store. Well actually, Shawn did. He paid for everything. Hell, I might just bring him all the time.

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