Part 32

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Most of my life dealt with confusion from family issues to peer issues to regular girl issues. I rarely had any common issues for girls around my age really. I mean what two year old has to worry about getting her own milk somehow because her mother forgot about her? It's something that should never happen to anyone and I pray it doesn't happen anymore. No one deserves what I went through and I'm gonna try my best. I'm gonna do whatever I can to try and stop this kind of child neglect. I can't see myself doing that to my own child. I don't see how anyone can do that to their own flesh and blood. It just doesn't make sense.

"So are you gonna tell me who Michael is?" I looked over at Shawn. We were in his car and on our way to school. I told him I didn't feel like talking about it this morning but whatever. I guess he's just stubborn.

"Later." We stopped at a red light and I felt him watching me. "Fine. He was my second boyfriend and let's just say it wasn't good." I looked out the window and up at the sky. For some reason I feel like if I don't get this off of my chest now, I never will.

"Can I know what happened?" I looked over at Shawn and started deliberating on the issue. I never told anyone about Michael. Not even my aunt or uncle, or Kelly!

"He beat me and he accused me of always cheating. Not to mention he never let me have my own life outside of him." I felt tears start to build up but I quickly pulled myself together. I'm not gonna cry over him. He doesn't deserve to have me cry over him. Not after everything he did.

"He beat you? Did you ever tell anyone?" I shook my head no and looked out the window again.

"He said he would kill me." Shawn started driving again and we sat there in silence. I didn't want to speak anymore anyways.

When we pulled up to school I got out of the car and grabbed our stuff. He came over to my side and instead of taking his stuff he just hugged me.

"I wanna know everything about you. No secrets."
He let go of me and looked me in my eyes. I nodded my head and he kissed me. "Smile beautiful." He took my hand and we walked into school together. Yup, this is the life. Just me and my baby.

"Where my bitches is at?" Oh and of course my girls! I turned around and saw Kelly smiling behind me.

"Who you calling a bitch?" I hit her in her arm and she just hugged me.

"Oh I'm gonna miss you!" She started to fake cry and wipe away tears on her face that weren't there.

"We still got a whole week." In case you're wondering, yeah I did say a week and no I didn't mess up. It was the sad truth for now. Her parents moved up the date and she's moving next week. It hurts now more than ever before. I need her in my life while I'm going through all this. Talking over the phone sucks.

"Shawn if you don't mind I need to take this hoe here and go to my locker with her. Thanks, bye!" She pulled me away quickly. She didn't even give him a chance to say no to her or anything. This must be juicy! And I'm ready!

"What is it?" We stopped in front of her locker and she looked around.

"Guess!" I looked at her like she was stupid. I'm wasting my own time just so I can guess? Excuse me but no.

"Kelly just tell me and don't waste time!" She put her hand in my face and smacked her lips.

"Excuse you Ms. Attitude. Calm yourself." I smacked her hand out of my face and laughed at her famous retard trademark.

"Kelly I swear if you don't tell me!" She took a deep breath in and rolled her eyes.

"Fine. Me and Roy are engaged!" She flashed the ring. Am I hearing right? Engaged? As in what happens before you're married? They aren't even legal yet! How can two seventeen year olds be engaged? They can barely stay out past ten.

"Kelly what the hell do you mean? Do you know how stupid that sounds?" She put her hand down and opened her locker.

"It's not stupid." She got her books out and closed her locker.

"How can you two be engaged? And better yet, why?" We started walking back to where my locker was and she wasn't saying anything. "Well?" She looked at me and she had tears in her eyes.

"I don't want to leave here and loose everything I had. It's a scary thought." I put my arm around her shoulder and continued to walk with her.

"Doing this doesn't help things." She looked down at the ground and back at me.

"Now I know he won't leave." Duh, kuz her ass is leaving!

"What the hell are you talking about?" She stopped walking and looked at me.

"It means he won't forget me! Duh!" Oh hell no! Is this bitch stuck on planet stupid again? She sure does get stuck there a lot if you ask me.

"Kelly, he loves you and you love him. He won't leave your ass no matter what!" There isn't one person out there who can seriously say they will forget about each other. They better not after what I had to see yesterday night. Nasty ass fools. I probobly won't wash dishes ever again in that kitchen.

"So are you not happy for me?" I couldn't say I wasn't kuz I sure as hell was. She's happy and that's what matters.

"You know I am. That's a big ass ring too. You gotta be thankful for that, he got the kind of ring you always wanted." I looked at her and smiled.

"My fairytale is coming true. Who would have thought?" Umm excuse me but didn't her fairytale have cupcakes? And not just regular ones, but the ones that put on shows for you during tea parties?
Yes it did, so this is not it completely. I guess it will have to do for now until we find those cupcakes.

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