Part 19

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All I kept thinking for the rest of the day was that tomorrow is Friday. Thank the lord! First week of school was almost over. So much happened.
It's only been a week and my life has changed so much. Boy, I can't wait till next week. It's gonna get crazy for sure! At least I hope.

"Beyonce you really need to pay attention." Shawn tapped his pencil in front of me.

"Oh sorry. What happened?"

I was bored doing this homework. My uncle told us that I couldn't leave the house until I did at least one of my homework assigments. That's really not fair at all. I usually do it at night, but he's back now so there was no way of escaping it anymore. Usually with my aunt I could just leave and not even say anything. But no, now I had to actually do homework and then go out. This really sucks.

"Hurry and finish!" Oh no never at this yelling.

"Who are you yelling at? You better calm yourself down and wait." He must be on some shit. Yelling at me like he's my damn daddy or something.

"Just hurry up." See, all he has to do is use a reasonable tone and he might get what he asks for.

"No." Sometimes, not all the time though.

"Can I just do it for you please?" There's what I've been wanting to hear this whole damn time!

"If you think it's gonna help." I sat back and let him try to finish the rest. I hated doing math and he loved it, why shouldn't I let him have fun? This is what he likes, I won't deny him.

"Just go get ready."

I kissed him on the cheek and went into my closet to get ready. We got out of school early. There was a Varsity football game today so that meant Shawn was playing. That also meant I was cheerleading. Everytime there is a game the players and cheerleaders are sent out early to get ready. We have about two more hours before we have to be at school. I hope he finishes in time. I can't go if he doesn't so he better do it.

"I'm done." Well I'll be damned. What would have taken me about an hour or two took his ass less than five minutes. I think he has a calculator in his head.

"Okay well let me go get ready and then we can go to your house so you can get ready too." I took my cheerleading outfit and headed to the bathroom to change.

"Roy be downstairs with your uncle."

I heard my door open and close and knew I was alone now. I finished dressing and got out.
I got my phone and called Kelly. After about six rings she finally picked up.

"What it is hoe?" Jeez, she always has manners.

"Do you have an extra blue hair tie?" Our school colors were blue and yellow and I needed a blue hair tie for my pony tail. I had a yellow one, but I needed a blue one.

"No, I only have one left and I need it. I was gonna go buy some tomorrow. Try asking Chelle." I already lost like a million of Michelle's too. I'm scared to ask her.

"Okay. See you later. Bye." I hung up the phone and called Michelle.

"What color do you need this time?" Damn she already knew!

"Blue. Pease Michelle, I promise I will give it back to you after the game." I was lying big time.

"Sure. You know I got you." I love this girl! "Thank you. See you later."

I hung up the phone and got all my shit together. After I finished, I headed downstairs and found my uncle with Shawn in the living room. Of course they were watching football. Damn will they ever get enough of it?

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