Part 70

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Summer vacation is in two days! I can't wait till this school year is finally over and I can enjoy life.
I thought Junior year was gonna be my fun year, I guess I was really wrong. There were so many things that happened, and there's no better time than now to talk about them all. Let's see.
So, first there was Jacob, then there was Michael, then there was Julius, and then my Shawn.
Well, I've ran into Jacob like six more times after the whole mall encounter. He's been saying that this whole thing between us is over and I don't see him trying to do any harm right now. He's actually looking like a good friend right now and I think I shouldn't deny him a chance for it. Maybe one day he might come in handy, but we're cool at the moment. Yay!

Michael, well that's another story. Apparently, he had a girlfriend and baby the whole time he was stalking us. The baby mama found out about him wanting us, and she flipped out while we were at school. She put his business all out there and it was so amazing to witness that shit. I'm sure he felt bad for himself, but no one cared. Eventually, he dropped out of school to avoid trouble from her.
The worst part of that whole thing is, he had the child while he was with me. Yeah, he cheated.
Not only on me, but on her. She even found my number in his phone. Weird. Before she erased it, she called me and we talked for a while. She's not a bad person, just scared about stuff. I could understand. She's basically a single mother kuz Michael is always out and cheating. I wish I could help her, but this is something she's gotta handle for her baby. I can't help her. The last time I personally seen him though, was when he was in the back of the cop car crying. He got himself busted, and I couldn't be more happy about it. Karma is a bitch sometimes. I'm glad this shit happened, maybe now he's realize that the past isn't done. It's always coming back to haunt you and it never goes away.

Speaking of past, Julius hasn't called me still.
How long has he had to pick up a phone and dial my number? He's such a damn demon. All that stuff he said about being my little brother was bullshit. He's just stupid. We both needed someone we could count on and trust, too bad he made me loose all trust in him right away. I know the phone works both ways, so I made sure to try and call him so he can't lie to me. I tried to get in contact with him, but he refuses to accept the fact that I care. He's still stuck on his past.

Someone who isn't stuck on their past is Shawn. He's come a long way now. No more of that cutting and keeping secrets. We've been getting closer than ever right now. People keep joking and saying we're gonna end up married before Roy and Kelly. We don't pay attention to all that stuff, it's just high school fun. Althought I am pregnant with his fake child. I will admit that and everyone knows it. People rub my stomach and we just laugh about it. The people who walk by look at me like I really am pregnant, and we just laugh. Why bother telling them we're kidding? It's fun to let them think whatever they want. That means more attention.
With all that attention, I could run for Homecoming or maybe even Prom Queen next year. Oh how exciting! As of right now, my baby shower is on August 20th next yer. Hey, can't blame a girl for dreaming right? He doesn't have a problem with it either, he even told his parents too. I still haven't told my aunt and uncle, I don't know how they will take it. Will they be happy? She said she wants me to have a child, so I don't wanna tell her about my fake one. She would kick me out. My uncle on the other hand will be happy that it's just a fake one. Kuz if it wasn't, he's kick me out. So either way, I'd get kicked out. That's why I'm keeping quiet about it near them. Haha, I know. I'm crazy right? But it doesn't matter, as long as I'm happy. And right now, I sure am!

Only one more class and I will be free to go shopping with my girls for our summer outfits. Gotta stay fly till we die. This summer I have big plans. And when I say big, I mean so damn small, it's ridiculous. Haha. Yeah that's right, no plans. Just staying home and sleeping like normal kids do now.
Usually I'd be out somewhere visiting relatives or just vacationing with my aunt and uncle. But, I retired last summer. From now on, I'm just staying at home and making plans every day with my friends from school. Next year will be the summer where I won't be able to sleep and have freedom really. So I'm making sure this summer I catch up on all the beauty sleep I've missed over the past six or seven years.

Junior Year ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang