Part 58

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Well, a month came and a month passed. It's now February and I'm waiting for Valentine's Day. This year, I will actually get something that will mean more than the other years. Michael never gave me anything, but Shawn always did. He made sure to tell me it was just frienship gifts. I always wanted them to mean more, but I knew they wouldn't. I guess I was wrong on that. They all mean something to me and I kept every gift he ever gave me in a chest. It was a secret between us and no one knew that we ever gave each other things. We were secretive a lot. I didn't want anyone to suspect anything because I knew Michael would find out this shit. He didn't want anyone thinking he had a girl so he can keep his pimp certificate. Too bad he lost that as soon as he asked me to be his girl. I don't roll with shit like that, I would kill his ass.
But I might just be more upset with myself for trusting him in the first place if I knew this. Why would I get into a relationship just to get hurt? That's one thing I don't get. Why do some people know it won't work out, but yet they still go through with it. Is a broken heart worth it?

"So even though you know your present, you're gonna wait till the day to open it?" I looked at Shawn and nodded my head.

"Don't ruin the day for me Shawn." He threw his hands up in the air and rested his head on the table.

"All I did was ask a question. PMS!" I threw a fry at him and he sat up. "What? PMS is your new name and it's official." He laughed and I just ate my burger.

"That's why your arm is broken. Bitch." I kept eating and I could feel his eyes on me. I had to try hard to fight off the smile that was forming fast.

"See, you didn't even have to go there. Why you always make me feel bad baby?" I couldn't hold it in anymore so I started laughing.

"You're a damn female!" He tried to throw a fry at me but it didn't go very far.

"Fuck! I hate not being able to use my damn arm."
I could see he was really getting angry at the thought of not being able to play football.

"Well, at least now I can take care of you the way you'd want me to." He smiled and I went back to eating. "See, I knew that would make you feel better." I threw a fry again. "Okay, that was the last one. I just thought it was funny since you can't fight back."

He shook his head and I just laughed. It was true, I thought it was funny. I couldn't help but to laugh at the faces he makes when he tries to throw something. It's so hilarious to me!

"So where are we gonna go from here? I really need to get back before six though." I looked at the clock they had on the wall and nodded my head.


We had about two more hours before I had to drive him home so he can take his medication or whatever. I think they're just regular kiddie vitamins, but the container has big words on it so whatever.
It can't be kid stuff with those words. People would be too confused if it was.

"Well, I don't have anything else I wanna do so we can just go straight to your house if you want"

He nodded and we finished our lunch and headed out. It's such a drag having to drive him. All he does is mess with my radio and dance to songs. It's so embarassing. He starts swinging his arms and bopping his head.

"Hey, you see that nigga over there? He is stupid!"

Shawn pointed to the corner and I looked to see this one boy trying to climb onto the light. He was trying to pull himself up to the top but he kept slipping every time.

"Shawn he's like six, he's not stupid." He just kept laughing as the boy kept falling.

"Yes he is Beyonce!"
I shook my head and kept driving.

"I remember you doing stupid stuff in middle school." He looked at me and I smiled.

"Man, I was smart back then, and still am."
I looked in the other direction and he turned the radio off. "So, tell me what I did back then that was so stupid." I looked at him and he looked serious.

"Remember when you tried to jump onto that van?"
He closed his eyes and opened them up slowly.

"I don't remember at all." I rolled my eyes and he laughed. "Whatever, that wasn't even that bad. What else did I do to look stupid?"

I thought about it and one story came rushing into my head. I couldn't even keep a straight face.

"The day that you told me you wanted to go out and we did for a minute." He started laughing and I hit him. "You used me and I felt like the stupidest person for that whole day."

He kept laughing and pulled out a dollar from his pocket.

"Here, I owe you this. I'm sorry." I took the dollar and put it into my little piggy bank full of change in the car.

"Yeah. Telling me to be your girlfriend just so I can give you a dollar for the soda machine. Idiot."

That was the day when I felt like the world had caved in on me kuz I was so broken hearted.
I didn't tell anyone how I felt but that day was so bad for me.

"I love you." I looked at him and rolled my eyes.

"Why? Do you want another dollar?" He shook his head and laughed.

I love the fact that we have so much history with each other and that we can talk like this. I don't have many people who I can talk to about old memories so it's nice. Even if we never got together, I would always try to keep him in my life.

"Seriously though, I love you." I nodded and he kept smiling at me.

"Why you all in my atmosphere with your smile?"
I looked at him and he just kept smiling.

"Say you love me and I'll stop." I laughed at his stupidity.

"I love you." He finally looked away from me.

"Good, can I borrow five dollars?"

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