Part 22

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This weekend is just starting out horrible. I don't know what to do, cry or scream. If I scream I might draw more attention that I don't want. If I cry, I might draw attention from those who I don't want attention from. Get it? It's kinda weird but it makes sense. Yesterday when Kelly told us she was moving, my whole world sort of collapsed. She was my first true friend. The only one who listened.
Now she's going away? I do still have Michelle but you can never forget about the first person who you called your friend. I never called anyone my friend until Kelly. Now I call her my sister. This isn't fair.
Everytime I get used to something, it gets taken away. Maybe that's why I haven't been answering Shawn's phone calls. He's probably gonna tell me he has to move away too. I refuse to lose everything. Life is just getting good. Why must God take things away?

"Beyonce, you got company." I slowly walked downstairs. My aunt was standing there and so was Kelly. I ran up to Kelly and hugged her.

"You two go upstairs and work on this." My aunt gave us a light push and we made our way to my room. I laid down and so did she.

"I can't believe you're moving Kelly. Did they say why?" I hope there wasn't a good reason kuz then she might be able to talk them out of it.

"Yeah, new job for my mother." Well, I'll give them that, but it's still not a good reason if you think about it.

"So where is it?" She put her head in my pillow.

"Ugh, in Los Angeles." We always talked about going to Los Angeles when we graduated. Just to stay for a couple of weeks and come back. I guess Kelly won't be traveling far then.

"Damn. So you really gotta move next month?"
She picked her head up and looked at me.

"Yup." I hugged her and we stayed like that until I heard a knock at my room door.

"Can I join this party? I always wanted too!" Roy sure knew how to mess up a good mood. Or turn it into a nasty one.

"No go away." He heard Kelly choking up and he walked over slowly.

"What' wrong? You guys look like one of you is dying and you won't get to see each other anymore." He sat down next to Kelly. She looked at me and I just looked at her.

"It's sorta like that. I'm moving Roy. Sorry." He got up slowly and looked at us.

"You're kidding right?" She shook her head no and he walked towards the door.

"Where are you going?" He turned around and looked at her.

"I don't know. I have to think." He left the room and Kelly and I broke down even more.

"I was finally happy, and now it's all gone. Why me? Why?" I held onto her as she cried on my shoulder.

I thought Kelly's troubles were all over for her, but new ones just started. I can't let my best friend just be taken away from me like this. I won't make it by myself. She's the only one who knows about my family's past. The only one who knows that my mother killed my step sister, the only one who knows about my dad being arrested for raping my mom. Not to mention, the only one who has never judged me for all of these things that happened.
Now I'm just supposed to accept her moving far away? I will never do that. Not to the one peson who I can trust. She's the reason I met all these people, the reason I didn't commit suicide. She ran into the bathroom that one night and stopped me from making the hugest mistake. She stopped me from ending my life. Ending my future. How am I supposed to let her go? She's more than a friend. She's more than my sister for all I know. She's my guardian angel.

"I need to go home. I told my parents I'd be back for lunch. I'll see you tomorrow at church right?"
Going to church after all this didn't seem so promising.

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