Harry angles the phone camera down towards London. "Look at her head mate. You really think that would fit out of a normal vagina?"

"Oh my God. I have a new level of respect for you Hailey." He jokingly hails his hands towards the camera. "It doesn't stay at 10cm does it?"

Once again, Harry and I find ourselves laughing at Niall and his innocence. 

"Yeah, it does." I say to him.

"And it only gets bigger the more kids you have."

"So my Aunt who has had 7 kids..." he thinks to himself for a moment. "No, you guys are fucking with me." He laughs. "You had me for a second, I'll give you that."

After speaking with Niall, Harry and I packed up our belongings and got ready to leave the hospital. We have been in our own little bubble for the last four days. Now it is time to take our daughter out into the real world. 

Apart from when she had tests, London has barely seen the outside of our private room. Whenever Harry and I walk around the hospital to get some exercise, we go alone so that one of us is in the room with London. 

There have been people crowding the outside of the hospital since the day after she was born. Word got out that I had come in here and given birth. That was to be expected. We even resulted to turning our own phones off because they were running wild with calls and text messages from those who were unaware of my pregnancy. 

We're currently using my Dad's phone because he barely uses it and makes more use of my Mum's phone. I text Aaron to inform him that we are ready to come down. He has been waiting out the front of the hospital for 15 minutes. The hospital security and 2 teams of Police officers are waiting out the front of the hospital for us. They're clearing the way so that we can safely exit the hospital and get into Aaron's car. 

"You ready?" Harry asks me.

I reach down into London's capsule and gently caress her cheek with my thumb. The skin on her rosy cheeks are elegantly smooth. I glance back up at Harry and interlock my hand with his. 

"I'm ready."

Harry and I exit our room and walk hand in hand down the hallway of the hospital. His left hand is holding mine while his right hand is carrying the baby capsule. One of the security guards kindly took our bags for us. While we walk through the hospital, I try to look ahead and focus on the walls in the distance, rather than the sets of eyes peering our way. 

Some people give looks of adoration as they stare at a family with a new addition. Others give us looks of shock when they realise that this is Harry Styles who in fact is carrying a child from the birth ward. 

We step inside the elevator and ride down the ground floor. Two officers notify us of the plan for when we walk out and warn us that there are at least 200 people there, including paparazzi and reporters. 

We are met with a dozen more officers and security guards who stand around us while we walk through the large glass doors. It is so nice to feel the fresh air against my skin, but the nice feeling is quickly replaced with anxiousness because of the roaring screams. 

"Congratulations on the birth of your child Hailey and Harry." 

"Harry, do you have anything to say about your new arrival?"

"Hailey, how did you manage to keep your pregnancy a secret?"

"Congratulations Harry and Hailey. Did you have a little boy or girl?"

"Hailey, you look fantastic."

"I can't believe Harry is a Dad."

"Congratulations to two of you."

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